I've Made Up My Mind ( F I N A L )

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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

"How long do you plan on staying in there?" My mom asked, yet again. I don't blame her for being worried, though it would be a lot easier for the both of us if she's just quit asking.

"Till I die," I was probably acting like the worlds' biggest baby right now, but- well, I actually have no excuse for that. 

I'm just surprised that he didn't say it back, since he liked me first and all, or does that mean I was just too early? I'm pretty sure this coud've all been avoided if I'd just kept my mouth shut. 

The other thing that's been bothering me is that he hasn't tried to contact me at all. Was he really that bothered by it? I'm too humiliated to o and look for him- what would I say? "Fuck!" I exclaimed, smothering my face with my pillow. (pillow with my face?)

I was too busy shouting profanities into my pillow that I wasn't able to hear the light tapping at my door until the person on the other side decided to speak up- "Kell, open up!" Tay called out. 

My head whipped up at the sound of her voice, an outsider. Am I a bad friend for not wanting to open the door for her? "Cen't-" I coughed dramatically, "You'll catch my cold!" I added a few more coughs, though I ended up wheezing halfway through. 

Next thing I knew she was barging into my room- what she's just done may have made it seem like she was the scariest human in the world, but her face told a whole different story, I actually think she's been worried- "You idiot!" 

I spoke too soon. 

I sat there gawking at her, I honestly did not expect for her to get passed the door. 

We locked eyes for quite a while, until her other arm came into view, "Do you know how far I had to walk with this!? My arm literally feels like it's about to fall off!" she seethed. 

"Isn't that what you go to the guym for?" I asked feebly. 

She chucked the homework filled backpack at me, hitting me straight in the face, "No, that's what I go to the gym for," she smiled gracefully. 

A silence broke out in between us, "I don't remember requesting a visit from the 'Beat the Fuckboy Foundation', besides don't they only give you absent students' homework if you request it?" I deadpanned. 

She raised her hand up towards her face, inspecting her nails- a nervous habit of hers. "No." she insisted, the pitch of her voice incredibly high. 

"Why're you here?" I asked, sounding a lot like those parents in the shitty sitcoms they're always showing on T.V. 

Tay jutted out her bottom lip, "Did something happen between you and Vic?" she asked shyly. 


My face turned the same color as Tay's chipped nail polish, had it been spread around the school already? "Breaking news, guy confesses his love only to not get the reaction he was hoping for," I spoke monotaniously, a blank look on my face. 

"Don't turn it into a headline!" Tay exclaimed. She gave her next few words some thought, "So he hasn't told you?" she asked. 

I tilted my head to the side, "No he has not told me he loves me yet, have we not just established that?" I frowned, resisting the urge to pout. 

Tay shook her head, "Not that, about the whole-" she began explaining, looking angrier as she spoke. 

"How about I explain it to him?" An unfamiliar voice asked from behind her. 

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