His choice

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<Erics pov>
I sit next to Ace's bed. I let her out of my sight just for a little and she disappeared. I should have watched. Ace lost lots of blood. Selma had no idea how she managed to escape. She has stitches on her stomach, arm, and back.
They did not cause damage to her inside, but its still made her bleed bad. I am so angry with myself. I am enraged. Who hell would do this to her. I put my hands in my hair and pull. I can't, i can't watch her like this. But i am not leaving her side either.
I hear the doors to the infirmary open. I look to see who it is. It is Four.
"You don't look so good," he says.
I just glare at him and face Ace's bed once again.
"You should go change," Four says as he stands on the other side of the bed.
My shirt is dry, but its covered in blood making the shirt crusty. I almost forget i had it on.
"I am not leaving here till she wakes," i growl out.
"I am pretty sure, she does not want to see that on you, Eric. Go change. I will watch her," he says.
I think about it for a moment. I can trust Four even though i hate his guts.
"Fine," i say as i get up.
I walk out the infirmary and start to head to my apartment.
<Four pov>
Eric leaves in a rush and i sit in the chair he was sitting in. Except this time i hide it from the doors view. I am betting that whoever hurt her will probably try again. And if that person does come i will be waiting to surprise him.
I sit there in silence for about 15 minutes and that is when i hear footsteps running into the infirmary, the doors slamming against the wall as the person comes in. I look to see who it is, it is just Eric. His hairs is wet and he looks pissed. His eyes are filled with rage. His chest rising and falling from his run.
"What is wrong with you," Selma says as she comes out of her office.
"That fucker," says Eric.
"Who," i say.
"Loki thats who. He did this. I am gonna kill him. That, little, lizard toad," he snarls.
"Calm down. Loki wouldn't do it. He's head over heels for Ace," i say.
He glares at me.
"That toad has been slipping threat letters to me. Saying if did not stay away her. He would kill her," Eric snarls.
As soon as he says that Ace groans.
Eric runs to the other side and grabs her hand.
What the heck is going on?!
Ace opens her eyes, she see Eric and smiles. I am still super confused. Ace than looks at me and smiles even wider.
"Who hurt you," i ask.
She looks over to Eric than me.
"Loki," she says.
I am stumped that kid took it to far, now i am pissed. Me and Eric exchange knowing glance at each other. I walk to him and we go to the corner.
"You thinking what i am thinking," i say.
He nods. We devise a plan about pretending that we are all leaving and wait for Loki to come. He will definitely try to finish the job. I will have to check the dorms, lets see if we can get an easy catch first. I leave Eric behind and check to see if Loki is there. He probably is in hiding.
After roaming the halls for about an hour i head back to the infirmary. Eric is sitting next go Ace's bed. Ace is crying and Eric is trying to comfort her. As Eric sees me walk in he gets up and walks out. As i come to sit next to Ace she is still crying.
"Whats wrong Ace,"i ask.
She wipes the tears from her eyes and looks at me. She sighs.
"You remember how me and Eric got pretty close," she says.
I nod.
"Well he just told me to stay away from him. I kinda wanted to stay friends, but i guess not," she says.
That bastard. She needs someone with her now. Why did he do this now.
"That sadistic rat," i say.
Ace grabs my arm and looks into my eyes.
"Four its okay," she says with a smile on her face.
I smile back at her, but i am still pissed at Eric. Why now?
<Eric pov>
Why did i do that?! She needs someone to get her through this. But the closer i get to her the more i hurt her. I don't, i don't want to see her get hurt anymore. I walked towards the chasm to see Lex standing there.
"Hey have you seen Ace,"she asks.
"Yeah, she is in the infirmary," i say.
I walk past her. She grabs my arm. I glare at her.
"You okay? You seem out of it,"she says.
"Yes. And don't touch me, initiate," i snarl.
She pulls back her hand. I can see the fear in her eyes. This is how everyone sees me. But Ace, Ace sees me so differently. It made me happy. But i have to give it up. I want to keep her safe, away from any harm because of who i am. Ever since she met me she has been getting hurt. It saddens me to leave her.
I walk for a little longer till i start thinking about what happened. Than i remembered. Ace was in the infirmary and Loki was still on the loose. I start walking back to the infirmary. As i reach the hall for the infirmary, i notice someone clinging to the side of the wall. He was hiding in the shadows. As he reaches for the infirmary door i slowly tread behind him.
He pushes the door open and the light shines on him. The first thing i notice is his green hair. I feel all my rage boil up and i shove him into the door. To my surprise Four runs out from the corner and punches him across the face. Loki who's eye is swollen shut is knocked out.
Four looks at me, we both reach for him and pick him up.
"I will go get Max," says Four as we tie down Loki.
"I can go get him," i say.
But Four does not even hear me. He is already out the infirmary door when i finish my sentence. I stare over to where Ace is lying down. I walk over to her. All the emotions on my shoulders feel like a knife buried in my chest.
"How do you feel," i say.
"Fine,"she says without looking at me.
"Thats good," i say.
As i turn around i hear a creak of the bed. When i turn around Ace is standing next to me. I clench my jaw.
She was beautiful no matter how beaten she looked.
"You shouldn't be standing," i say.
I pick her up and put her back onto the hospital bed.
"Eric, you can't always protect me," she says.
"That why i have to stay away, i do not want you to get hurt anymore," i say.
I bend down and trace a finger down her cheek. She grabs my hand, and pulls my face closer to hers. I feel her trace the tattoos on my neck.
"I do not care if i get hurt. It never was your fault. And i want to be with you," she says.
"Ace, I can't bare to lose you," i say.
I take her hand into mine and stand straight back up. She stares at me for a while than turns her head away. I let go of her hand and walk back to where Loki is.
After Selma checked Loki's vitals, Max and Four walks back in. Four nods at me while he walks to Ace and Max walks to me.
"I want this kid executed. Affective immediately. Right when he wakes up," growls Max.
I never seen him this pissed, but i am pretty much happy to get rid of this kid. It keeps Ace safe knowing that he is gone.
"Shot to the head and chasm," i ask.
Max just nods.
"I will do thee honors of shooting him. You will throw him into the chasm," he says.
I nod. After that he walks over to Ace.

Well lets see what tomorrow will be like.

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