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<Four pov>
I find Ace on the roof. She has an unlit cigarette between her fingers.
"Ace? What are you doing," i ask.
"Thinking," she says.
"Do you got a match," she asks.
"Yeah, but when did you start smoking," i ask.
"I don't," she says.
I Give her a questioning look.
"I just want to light it and leave it, okay," she huffs.
"Fine, but i need them back," i give an mischievous smirk.
"Why," she asks.
"I have a prank to pull off," i say.
Hoping that she would want to join so we could get whatever is on her mind, out of her mind.
"Can i join," she asks.
I nod my head. We head out after her cigarette was just a stub. We head down and head towards Zeke's apartment. I knock his door two times pause then knock once and pause again before knocking three times.
"Finally," says Zeke as he opens the door.
"Sorry, i brought a little help,"i say.
I step aside to let Ace in, Uriah runs up to Ace and gives her a hug.
"Yes this is going to be rad," he says.
I chuckle while Zeke puts his brother in a headlock once Uriah lets go of Ace.
"So where is the stuff," i say.
"In the closest," says Zeke.
"What are we doing," asks Ace.
"EXPLOSIONS," yells Uriah.
Me and Zeke slap him on the back of the head.
"OW, geez, sorry," he mutters.
Ace laughs. I explain to her our plan of lighting fireworks in the pit. But the thing was they would all start from the center and fire outward causing people to run out to the halls. Each hall will have another set of fireworks that will chase them back into the pit. Then the plans was that we will shut off the power and use paint ball guns to attack everyone.
Once i told her the plan Ace was all in so we all left to dinner together.
<aces pov>
After dinner i was kind of flustered. I was excited but i still had to talk with Eric and well Eric was no where to be seen at dinner.
Last and final stage is tomorrow. It took them a while with some technical difficulty. We all waited patiently. Four and Zeke thought this prank would loosen everyone up. And i sure as heck hoped that it would.
I woke up at three a.m to help Zeke and Four set up. Once we were done with that we got our paint ball guns and placed extra paint guns around the pit. Once we were done setting up we cleaned up and made sure we left nothing behind. The prank was set for lunch, right after testing was over. So this was going to be really fun.

Next Morning

I woke up a bit late since Eric came late to wake us up today. Apparently today was his turn and he forgot. So when he ran in late and banged the bar on the metal railing late, He was extra pissy. He was yelling at everyone. He even through the metal point at one of the guys that did not wake up.
That scared me pretty bad. He must have notice cause he picked up the bar an apologized to everyone before telling us to "hurry our asses up".
Testing was the same. I would go second to last but since Lex is not here i am last.
We can see how everyone reacts to there fear. Since we are in the fear landscape. Everyone that has been in trembles very badly or collapses to the floor. It is interesting to watch. I wonder how i would react to it.
I am called up. Zeke and Four give me a thumbs up. I smile and walk into the room. Eric injects me with the simulation. It is the same as last time. It is all black and i can't breath. Everything hurts my body feels as if it is tied down. I know i am not claustrophobic but i feel squished and I can't get any air.
I try to struggle against the ties on my arms but than i feel something crushing my chest. I have to calm my heart beat i tell myself. I try to breath through my nose but no air comes in. I close my eyes and try to relax. I can feel everything start to get fuzzy. My head is hurting from the lack of oxygen.
I feel the blackness edging closer. I am about to die aren't i? I think to myself.
All of a sudden i feel air enter my lungs. I open my eyes and i see a glass in front of me and i see Zeke grinning at me. I guess i did not fall to the floor. I smile as i exit.
"Everyone head to the pit,"yells Eric. Four smirks at me and so does Zeke. I suppress my smile as i feel Eric's eyes on me. I walk with the group but stay near the back so i can slip away. Uriah pops next to me in one of the halls and that is my cue to slip away. I met Four in the upper level right above the pit. Once everyone enters Four presses a button and the fireworks go off. All the initiates run towards the tunnels. Once most of the dauntless members and initiates enter Four pushes the button again. You can hear the explosion of the fireworks as smoke comes out the tunnel. I see one dauntless members standing in the pit not amused. I notice that it is Eric. Me and Four are on the upper level to snipe people with paint balls. While Uriah and Zeke are set downstairs.
"Ready," Four questions as people start flooding into the pit again coughing like crazy.
I nod my head viciously and shoot. I hit Eric square in the jaws he jumps and glares at the ledge i am at. I just smirk and start shooting again. Oblivious to the fact that an angry Eric is stalking towards the stairs near my ledge. I kept shooting. I hit most of the initiates in the back. I hit some bully from middle school in the balls. He tumbles over in pain.
When i go to reload. I turn around to face a seething Eric.

Oh shit.

Is all i manage before he throws me over his shoulder. Four rolls his eyes. I thought he would help me. Cause right now i am scared out of my rockers at how pissed Eric looks. I guess Four knew his intention, cause next thing i know i am in Eric's apartment and i am thrown on to the couch.
"You know that actually hurt like a b*tch," his deep voice whispers in my ear causing me to shiver.
I can see a bruise forming on his jaw. It looks like he got punched but there still some neon pinks stains on his face from the paint.
I smirk at him, as his stormy grey eyes stare into my eyes. I feel so naked under his gaze like he could read me like an open book. And quite frankly it scares the hell out of me.
"Now why'd you do that," he says as his lips brush my ear cause heat to spread all over my body.
"Cause i can," i say as i stick my tongue at him.
He grins as his lips hover over mine. I can practically feel the sparks between our lips. I involuntarily lick my lips and his lips smash down on mine. I guess you are wondering if i am still mad at him for the whole Lex thing, well right now i could not give a damn.
It felt right to be here with him and also the fact that we were kissing just made me smile in my head even more. As we pull away i wrap my hands around his neck as he sits up.
"Well that is a good way to end a prank," he says as he smirks at me.

Sorry it is so late. Well sorry for any grammatical error. I hope it was worth the wait.
What will happen between Eric and Ace next?

Lots of love Metz

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