Time changes people

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<Eric's pov>
It has been several days. I camped out at the fence. Knowing damn well i am not needed here but needed to stay away from the compound. When i told Mel i was leaving for a week she said something that stabbed a knife through me. I love my daughter but she does have a way with her words.


"Mel i have to leave for a week," i say as i walked closer to her.
She faces me.
"Good. maybe being away will make you realize just how stupid you are and how much you need to clean your act. I wish i had a different dad sometimes but i am stuck with you. Ace took me in with understanding. She let it slide that you did not tell her the truth. This is the repeat of last time dad. Don't you see how stupid this is becoming. Mom deserves better. But i know she loves you and me. She is always trying so hard to forgive you. You always lie to her and she can tell. Like last time you said you were going to a meeting with dauntless and went to erudite instead. How can you be so stupid? She is right this is getting repetitive and I wasn't here for most of it. AND I am growing tired of it. If mom forgives you good. If she does not. I hope you know you deserve it," she whispers the last part.
I felt a knife twist in my heart from what she said. She was right. Ace has been nothing but forgiving to all my stupid mistakes and it took my daughter who saw me to smack some sense into me.

Flashback ends

I sat on the top of the fence feet dangling over the edge. God i wish i could hold Ace in my arms. I miss her so much. Four being extremely nice has given me updates on her.
He says her and Mel are doing good and my little baby boy, Donny has not given them any trouble. I am starting to see why Ace loves Four so much even if it makes me feel like a green monster that wants to rip him to shreds.

What can i say, I'm possessive.

I want her all to myself.

But Four is there by her side always. I feel like she deserves Four but then they like each other as brother and sister. I wish my jealousy would die down. He only does good for her when i have done most of the bad.
I miss her and today i am heading back, but not just yet. I know she said a week and i know Four said i should wait a little longer so.... i waited a week and a day.

Good enough, right?

I really miss her. I just want to hold her in my arms and apologize for all my stupid mistakes.
<Aces pov>
Eric has been gone for a week and a day so far. I tried to talk to him so i went to his office. Turns out he was not there and he was put to the fence. I was surprised Eric did not reject the idea of the fence. He hated it.
He said it was lower ranking people's job. Which earned him a slap across the head from me and Four. I miss his hard headedness even if it was a pain in my rear end.

What can i say, i love the guy.

I talk to Four recently. He told me Eric is busy at the fence which i know is a lie cause i talk to Max and he said it was lax. No one was working. He told Eric probably went to cool down.
I miss my hard headed husband. Even if he did lie to me again. Having him gone and raising our son and Mel is pretty terrifying. But thank God for Mel my little angel and savior. She is the calm one, taking care of her brother when i am stressed out or passed out.
I am glad she stayed.
I sit on the couch as Mel rocks her baby brother to sleep. Donny was a cry baby every freaking thirty minutes. I was about to blow if it was not for Mel. She lets me go out and take a break. And when i come back i go let her take a break. And occasionally i would give Donny to Four who is the godfather. When Four first held Donny he held him very weirdly and stared at him like he was an alien. I could not help but laugh.
Now Four is in love with Donny.

Knock, knock.

"I got it Mel," i say as i walk to the door.
I open the door to see Eric. Who looks tired and has some scruff growing.

"Hey you look factionless. Did you get lost,"i question.
Eric complete ignores my statement and crashes his lips on mine. His scruff tickles my face as he kisses me. My world starts spinning and i feel safe again.
When Eric pulls away he is beaming.
"I have been thinking about that all fúçkįñg week," he says.
A small smile creeps to my lips and i forget everything that has happened and i know i love this guy no matter what.

Even if he does fūçk up a lot.

Short chapter. Getting ready to close down this one soon.
Hope its been fun and a good read.

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