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<Four pov>
Todays the day i say to myself. I walk into the initiates dorm, and slam the metal pipe i keep behind the door on the rail. It takes sometime to get use to the noise, but i welcome it. I hear the room fill with groans and whimpers.
I love my job i tell myself.
"30 minutes then everyone to the training room," i shout.
I see people get up and start changing as i turn around to head out. I head straight for the mess hall to grab a quick breakfast. As i am walking around the corridor i run into someone.
"Hey watch where your going," i growl before i look at who it is.
I see the person shrug and keep walking that when i notice who it is.
"Hey Ace, sorry, how you feeling," I ask as i catch up to her.
"Much better. Thank you," she response with a smile playing on her lips.
I hear heavy foot steps behind us only to see Eric approaching us. He pushes past us and smirks at Ace before he turns into the mess hall.
"What was that about," i raise an eyebrow as i ask.
"I have no clue," she says.
I believe her. It is probably him thinking about something cruel to do today. It is his sadistic side showing. We enter the mess hall. I see some dauntless born grabbing food and heading out. I do the same and so does Ace. We walk to the training room together.

"Okay, listen up. Dauntless born and transfer are usually separated when training. This year will be a little different. We have three parts of training. First part is physical. We are going to see how tough you really are. Second part is mental. We are going to test you till your breaking point. Third part again is mental. Testing your breaking point once more, so be ready," i say.
"Also you will be ranked, and lowest people are cut. This year two will be leaving us. Leaders are still deciding if it should be more," says Eric as he walks in through the door.
"Place high in the ranking and you will get better jobs as well," Eric says.

I hear some dauntless born whisper about becoming leader. Then i hear the other initiates whisper about how i turn down the leadership. I can feel the smirk pulling at my lips.
"Warm up is first. Three laps around the compound. Keep together so you do not get lost," I yell.
As I start jogging i see Ace pull up next to me. She smiles up at me. I am not surprised she can keep up with me. She had to sprint home every day to make sure she was not seen. She never missed the early train.
On our second lap i notice some people falling behind, i slow the pace only by a little. Ace starts to slow down too. That is when i hear a voice say,"why you slowing down?!"
I look to see who it is. Eric is standing at the entrance of the compound. His eyes glare at me. I pick up the pace once more.
"One more lap," i say as we finish the second one.
Ace is still keeping up with me, and was not breathing hard like everyone else. We turned a corner to see some Dauntless member getting ready to head to the fence. I notice Lauren waiting at the corner. That is when she joins the run.

We finish the run and head to the work out room. Everyone grabs a free spot on the floor. Ace stays close by me. Eric walks in right when everyone sits.
"We will be doing push up, sit ups, squats, leg crosses, and much much more," he says with a smirk.
"So get ready to have a sore body," I say.
Eric glares at me, i return the glare.
<Ace pov>
Eric and Four glare at each other before Eric yells at us to start doing sit ups. I do mine slowly making sure i do not do anything that will open the stitches on the back of my head. Eric walks over to me.
"Let me see your stitches," he says.
I get up and turn the back of my head towards him. He moves my hair and pushes around it. It hurts a little, but it is not that bad.
"It should heal up in couple days. Take it slow on sit ups and leg crosses. But put it all out for push ups and squats," he says.
I nod my head, and he glares at me. I shiver, his eyes can scare anyone. I get down and continue my sit ups. Four leaves saying something to Lauren. I notice that the Erudite girl is slowing down. Eric walks over to her.
"Why are you slowing down," he asks. His tone cold and harsh.
"It hurts," she answers.
I pray silently to myself that Eric does not hurt her.
"Okay, everyone stop. Lets take a break," Eric says.
I am surprised, he motions us to follow him. We head towards the chasm. I am pretty sure that is where we are going cause i hear the water roaring. As we get to the metal bridge, i hear a scream at the front of the group. I push past people to see what is going on. I see Eric holding the Erudite girl's wrist and hanging her over the edge.
"Hold on to the railing," he says.
And she grabs hold. Her eyes filled with tears.
"You can hang there and i will for get about how easily you got tired, and gave up. Or you can let go," he says.
This is something i have never seen. He was always kind and sincere around me, but right now. He was scaring me half to death. I feel and arm push me out the way. I see Four pass by me. He looks pissed. He walks onto the walk way and glares at Eric before he bends over and grabs the girl that is hanging.
I run over and help pull her up. She starts hugging me, and crying in my shoulder after we pull her up. I hold her in my arms comforting her with small hushes and pats on the back. The two erudite boys come up behind me.
"Rina, you okay," they ask.
She tries to nod her head but is unsuccessful. She is sobbing really hard.
One of the boys grab her and carry her in his arms to the corridor away from the chasm.
"Thanks," says one Erudite boy.
"Your welcome," i say.
He smiles and walks away. I see Four and Eric talking to each other on the other side of the chasm. Everyone was heading to the mess hall, so i follow.

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