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<Grace pov>
Today was the day for the Aptitude test. My dad never found out about the incident last week when Eric caught me in Four's apartment. I am glad he kept his mouth shut. I sit alone outside knowing i wont be called for another few minutes. I sit there fidgeting with my hands when a shadow comes over me.
"What are you doing out here, kid," asks Eric.
I don't look up, i just stare straight down. He stands there for a little then walks into the building. I let out a breath of relief. After a minute passes i head in just in time to here my name being called.

"Hi, Im Tori. I will be administrating your test today," she says.
I nod, and she hands me a blue liquid when i sit down. I look at her with questioning eyes.
"Bottoms up," she says.
I drink the liquid and close my eyes.
I am in a different room when i hear a voice say,"Choose."
I see a knife and cheese in front of me. I grab the knife. Once i pick it up i hear a growl come from behind me. When i turn around i see a huge dog with foam coming out of its mouth. It runs towards me. Right when it gets close it jumps, i duck under and drag the knife across its belly.
Then the scene changes this time I am standing on a bus with man looking at me.
"Do you know this man," he asks.
Pointing at the newspaper he is holding. I ignore him and don't look at him.
"Do you know this man," he asks yelling at me. He grabs my arm.
I get annoyed and punch him. I wake up and hear Tori typing something in and she says,"Your Dauntless!"
I smile but it fades quickly knowing that if my dad found out he would be angry. I get up to leave. She opens the door for me and right when i step out i bump into something hard.
I look up to find Eric staring down at me. I walk my way around him, but he grabs my arm.
"What is your name kid," he asks.
"Grace," i answer.
"Your last name."
"Mez," i say quietly.
I walk away from his grasp and head towards the train. I see the train approaching and start sprinting towards the track. I let the first cart pass and jump onto the next. The train is empty and i let out a sigh of relief.
After 30 minutes on the train it gets closer to the compound. I jump off and land with ease.
As i walk towards the stair well i hear a someone landing on the gravel behind me. I turn around to see who it is. It is none other then Eric himself. He smirks when i see him. I turn around and head down the stairs.
I go straight home. When i enter my house i see my mother and nod. Next thing i know i hear a knock at the door. My mom pushes past me to get the door.
"Oh, Hello Eric," i hear her say.
"Hello Rose," he says.
"Is your husband home," Eric asks.
"No he is running late, do to an incident in the infirmary," my mother answers.
"Would you like to come in and wait," she asks.
As soon as i hear that i head upstairs knowing my mom does not want me to be seen.
"If that is fine with you," i hear him say before i go upstairs.
<Erics pov>
I enter the Mez's house noticing how cleaned it looked. Rose was a captain at the fence. Her husband, Derrek was a helper at the infirmary and also the keeper of names as i call it of dauntless born people. It was his duty to keep count of how many lived and died in dauntless.
"So how was work for you today," Mrs. Rose asks.
"Good, you," i ask.
"Boring as usual," she says with a small smile.
I sit at her table when i hear knocking coming from upstairs. Mrs. Mez eyes go up then she walks to the wall and knocks on it three times.
"Is there something wrong," i ask.
"No," she says with a smile.
Thats when i see someone walking down the stairs. I see Grace walking towards the table to her mother. She has a note in her hand. Her mother looks at it and nods. Grace goes to the fridge and grabs a water bottle and an apple before disappearing upstairs again.
"So who is that young lady," i ask.
Mrs. Mez gives me a weak smile and says,"Thats my daughter Grace."
"I have never seen her before," i say.
"Yeah, she hides in her room mostly. "
"Oh, quite shy im guessing."
Grace comes back downstairs, and right when she does i hear the door open and slam. Grace jumps and when i look into her brown eyes all i see is fear. I see Derrek walking in, he doesn't seem to notice me, because right when he see Grace he slaps her so hard she smacks her head against the wall.
I get up and walk towards Mr. Mez before he can hit her again i grab his arm. I give him my coldest glare and push him away from his daughter. Grace is on the floor curled up into a ball. She is not unconscious, but her head is bleeding a bit. I try to look at her cut, but she stands up and walks upstairs.
Mr. & Mrs. Mez look at me scared of what i might do next. I look at Mr. Mez who seems like he might get in trouble. I see him swallow. There is an erie silence between us until i finally speak.
"Mr. Mez, i was going to ask if you could help with initiation, but i have changed my mind," i say with anger in my voice.
Before they can stop me i head upstairs. Mrs. Mez follows me in pursuit. I see Grace in the bathroom cleaning the cut above her eyebrow. I step into the bathroom and say,"Here let me look at that."
She turns towards me and i move her hair so i can see the cut. It looked a little deep, like it would need some stitches. I push around it to see if the blood easily came flowing out but it did not. Grace steps back from me and grab something from the cabinet. It is a needle and piece of string. Before i can ask her what she was going to do, she started to sew the cut.
I look at Mrs. Mez for answers.
"She is her own nurse," she says to me.
When Grace is done, she heads towards a room that i am guessing is hers and locks it. I head back downstairs to see Mr. Mez sitting at the table.
"Mr. and Mrs. Mez. You know as leader i must report what i saw. If she gets hurt again, the first person i will question will be you two," i say before leaving their house.
<Fours pov>
I hear knocking at my door. I walk to open it and right when i see who it is i wish i did not open it.
"What do you want Eric," i say through gritted teeth.
"Relax, I am here about Grace," he says.
His blue eyes seem sincere to the topic. I glare at him.
"What do you want with her," i ask.
"Nothing. I just wanted to ask how long did you know Mr. Mez was abusing her," he asks.
I am surprised that he knows this. I look at him a bit confused before he says.
"I saw him hit her when i went to go ask him about initiation," he says.
"Oh, well i have known for a while but i never had proof. Plus nobody really knows she exists," i say.
Eric looks behind me and says,"You have a visitor."
I turn around to see Grace climbing into the window. She waves, and smiles but her smile fades when she see who is behind me.
"What is she doing here," Eric asks.
"She escapes here. Away from her parents. Before i even started living here she came up here," i say.
Grace walks up to us. She was shorter then both me and Eric but she still held her head high.
"Four, may i speak with you," she says almost in a whisper.
"Yeah," i answer.
I look at Eric who seems surprise that she talks, and tell him to wait a moment. He just glares at me and leans on the wall near the door. Me and Grace head towards the bed room.
"I am guessing he already told you what happened, huh," she says.
I nod. She usually is really quiet, but today her voice seemed to find her.
"You are okay right," i ask her.
She nods.
"I just wanted to tell you i got into Dauntless," she says as she smiles up at me.
Grace was like my little sister. I smile and hug her.
"That is all i wanted to say," she says before heading out the bed room.
I walk towards the door to find Eric staring after Grace. Grace climbs out the window and waves good bye, i wave back. Eric looks towards me and glares.
He then opens the door and says,"Im gonna report this to Max."
After he leaves i turn off the light and head towards my bed and pass out.

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