A little Fun

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<Ace pov>
I wonder where Eric is going to take me for punishment. I am still stuck on his shoulders, his drenched clothes making my clothes wet. He starts climbing a set of stairs. They look familiar but all the stairs in Dauntless look the same.
"Where are we going," i ask.
He does not answer he just keeps walking. Eventually he stops and i turn to see what we stop at. I hear him fiddling with keys than i notice we are at his apartment.
"Why are we here," i ask.
He enters his apartment you can here the squeak from his boots cause of the water.
"If. You haven't noticed. I am drenched," he says as we enter his room.
He tosses me on to the bed and i let out a squeal.
"So i need to change," he says as he takes off his shirt.
I watch as he tosses his shirt away and walks to his drawer to grab a new one. The muscles on his back catching my attention.
"I can feel you staring," he says as he turns around, pulling a new shirt over his head.
"I...I..was not," i stutter as my cheeks turn pink.
"Mmhm," he says.
<Erics pov>
She looked so cute. Her cheeks were flushed stating that she was indeed staring at me. I walk into my bathroom and grab a pair of pants before going in.
"So whats my punishment," she asks.
I just smirk at myself as i pull my pants up.
"Hmm. Maybe a 10 laps around the compound, five suicides, and doing my laundry," i say.
"Why did i even ask," i hear her say.
I chuckle to myself and step out the bathroom. Ace is still sitting on my bed. I walk over to her and stop right in front of her.
"What," she says.
"Nothing," i say.
I sit on the bed edge of the bed next to her as she sits closer to me. I grab her arm and bring her closer to me. She is right next to me now but this time i pick her up and put her on my lap. I look directly into her eyes and put my hand on her face. She leans into my touch. I use my other hand to cup her cheek and pull her towards me.
My face is just a few centimeters away from her. Her breath hitting the tip of my nose. Are foreheads are touching as we stare at each other.
Before i can kiss her i hear a knock at the door.
"Shit," i say.
Ace slips off of me and sits back on the bed, laughing silently to herself. I walk to the door to see who it is. I swing the door open to find Lydia standing there.
"What Lydia," i growl.
"Psh, calm down Eric. Gosh i was sent here by Max. He was wondering if you got the stuff," she says.
"Yes, i did. Now leave," i say closing the door.
Lydia sticks her foot in the door, preventing it from being closed.
"Max wants to have another meeting," Lydia says.
I just nod my head.
"Eric he says we are working with Erudite," she says barely audible.
Lydia knows how much I hate my old faction, there all know it alls. But i swore allegiance to them, thinking that would make my parents proud. But they still looked at me with disgust.
"Okay," i growl out.
I am beyond mad. I wish i never sworn myself to them. I am betting that this meeting has to deal with Divergents. Thanks goodness Ace is not a divergent.
I close the door after Lydia leaves to go back to my bedroom. Ace is sitting there with a gun in her hand.
"Where did you get that," i say.
"It was under your bed," she says innocently.
"I have been looking for that thing," i say.
It is an AMT Auto Mag II .22 Magnum. I pick it up from her hand the feeling of cool metal in my hands.
"Why do you have a gun under your bed," she says.
"I am a leader and threats lurk. Plus i like collecting guns," i say.
She starts laughing.
"Well sadly i have to kick you out since we have something coming up. So please, leave and go to dinner and sleep," i say.
"Fine," she says dramatically.
I hear the door close and start to get ready. Tonight was capture the flag and we need to get ready. Max said the games were tomorrow but he decided to change his mind. I ran over to Erudite in the afternoon and got the supplies now i just need to grab the flags.
<Ace pov>
I head back to the mess hall. Not many people were walking around. Most of them were already at the mess hall, probably stuffing their faces. Once i reach the entrance for the mess hall i bump into Four.
"Some how i always manage to bump into you," says Four while shaking his head.
"Yeah, you stalking me or something," I say.
"Or something," he answers.
I laugh as we enter the mess hall. Tayla and Greg are sitting at our table and so is Lex. I sit down in front of Lex, while Four is stuck in front of Tayla and Greg.
"This is the dinner table so stick your tongues into each others mouth else where," says Four.
I start to laugh cause Tayla turns red as a tomato. Greg sits there with a bit of red on his face. He turns away from Tayla and starts eating. I am stilling laughing like a crazed woman.
Greg, whose hip i broke, actually became good friends. He started talking to Tayla and they kind of hit it off. He has short hair and light grey blue eyes. I can see why Tayla likes him he is well built.
"So whats your punishment," asks Four.
"What punishment," says Tayla.
"Its nothing," i tell her.
I whisper to Four,"Later."
He nods his head and starts eating again. Once we finish eating Four sends everyone back to the dorms saying we are waking up extra early tomorrow. We all groan but we listen anyway.
When i exit the mess hall to go to the dorms Four stops me.
"Spill it," he says like a teenage girl.
"Um laps, suicides, and laundry i think," i say.
He laughs to himself. We walk to the dorm and everyone passes out.
(Erics pov)
Four tells me that all the initiates are passed out. So i start getting ready. Ace still needs to go do her punishment so i will make her do it after the games. I start getting the stuff pack and leave it at the front of the platform. By 11:00 everything is set up.
I go to my room and get dress and pass out. I wake up about three hours laters.
I go to met Four in the pit. He wakes up transfers while i wake up dauntless born.
I walk to the Dauntless born dorms.
"Wake up you lazy bums! Get a move on. I don't have all night," i yell.
I hear groan and the squeaks of the bed as they get up.
I laugh silently to myself, and walk out.

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