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<Eric pov>
The weekend has ended and stage two is starting. I have been watching Ace from a distance. It hurts like a bitch to see her. All those things i said were true. I do love her. But the break up, no, the taking a break, true. I am bad for her, that was true too.
I love her like crazy. It hurts that i can only watch her from a distance. I have been wrecking my mind, Trying to find out who the letter was from. My heart drops when i see her hang with other guys. I try to listen to the conversations seeing if anyone calls her sunshine.
I do not want anyone hurting her or touching her other than me. My body keeps trying to get closer to her when i find her roaming in the halls. It takes all my power to stay away.
I wish i could be with her. But until i find out who put out the threat, i am going to stay away. But not to far away.
I walk into a small room that has no window and wires connecting to the computer, and a chair at the center of the room.
"Hey Four, i pin down. You stick'em," i say.
Four nods. We call by rankings. Last go first, first goes last.
The ranking were.
1. Ace
3. Loki
4. Will
5. Lex
6. Tayla
7. Greg
8. Ari
9. Luke
10. Ree
12. Cin
13. Rex

"Rex, your first," i call.
Rex stands up and walks in.
<Ace pov>
Eric calls Tayla. It takes each person about 30 minutes to come back out. Lex nudges me.
"Do you know what is going on," she asks.
I shake my head.
"I have no clue," i say.
My head shakes. I do not want to share a room with Eric. From what happened on the weekend i am not really ready for this next thing.
My heart still hurts like crazy. It feels heavy in my chest. Tayla and Lex took me out a couple times got me drunk and we partied. Loki and i kind of grown close. Even though Tayla and Lex and everyone else hates that me and him are becoming friends. Well i do not really care, i am already messed up so why not mess up more.
Loki is sitting on my right while Lex is on my left. Loki scotches over.
"You okay there Sunshine," he asks.
Right when he says that Eric pops out. He is glaring at Loki, but Loki does not seem to notice.
"Lex, your next," says Eric with a growl.
Lex stands up and leaves.
"You want to party later, Sunshine," says Loki.
"Sure," i say.
It is kind of annoying that he calls me sunshine. I tried to tell him to call me Ace, but he insisted. I really do not care right now. I just want to get this stage over with. Well at least i have a party to look forward to after this.

Finally after a certain time i hear my name get called.
"Ace," i hear deep voice call. I guess i kind of fell asleep.
I get up and walk to the door. I see Four at the computer while Eric walks to the corner.
"Sit down, Ace," says Four.
I walk over to the chair and sit. Eric walks over and does not look at me. I try not to look at him, but i can not help but stare at the tattoos on his throat. I focus on his jaw lines. I do not notice Four saying some stuff till i feel a prick at the side of my neck.
"You have to face your worst fears and conquer them. You will only be facing one today. You will have to lower your heart rate or over come it in a certain way," says Four.
I slip into darkness as i close my eyes. When i open them again i am in my room. I get off my bed and hear crying from the bathroom. There is blood in the hallway leading from my parents room to the bathroom.
"Mom," i say.
I hear the crying get louder as i get closer to the bathroom door. I push it open to find my mom sitting on the floor. Blood surrounding her.
"There is so much blood," she cries as i enter.
"Mom, Im here, shh, Im here," i say.
I sit on the floor next to her and hold her in my arms. She cries hard and mumbles things under her breath. She says that dad is going to be very mad. Thats when i hear the door slam. Now i know where i am.
I cringe at the sound. My dad comes running into the bathroom.
"What the hell, what did you do," my dad yells.
"Nothing, i... i... i just found her," i say.
He grabs me by the arm and throws me out. My mom was having a miscarriage. The baby brother i was suppose to have was no more. My dad put my mom in the shower starts washing off the blood. I start cleaning up the blood outside the hall.
My dad comes out. He grabs me and slams me into the wall. Blood starts rushing from my brow. I remember this day so clearly. My dad tries to grab me. I remember Four saying over come it in a certain way. My dad kicks me to the floor then starts kicking me in my ribs before i can pull his legs out from under him, i black out back to the other room.
"Why did you do that," says Four.
"I pulled the plug. Her worst fear is her only fear. She needs training," growls Eric.
"I only have one fear," i ask.
Both look at me. Eric's eyebrow is raised. Four looks dumbfounded.
"You have less fears than me," he smiles.
I smile back Eric is standing in the corner.
"Eric says you have to train more. More then the others," says Four.
"With who," i ask.
"With me," i hear a deep voice from the corner. Goosebumps run up my arms.
"Can't i train with Four,"i say.
Four looks at me, i still have not told him about what happened between me and Eric.
"I can teach her," says Four.
Four and Eric exchange glares. Finally Eric nods. I sigh in relief. I get ready to get up.
"Sit. I need to talk to you," says Eric.
I gulp. Four looks at me weird, i nod okay.
"I will be out in the hall Ace," says Four.
I nod. Four walks out and closes the door.
"Now i know why you did not talk. But Ace i need to talk to you about something else," he says.
"Eric please stop. Can we just pretend this never happened. I have a party i need to go too," i say.
I stand up and walk to the door. All of a sudden i feel arms go by my head while i reach for the door.
All of a sudden im stuck between the door and Eric. He is holding the door close. His smell surrounds me.
"Ace we need to talk," he says.
His face really close to mine.
"Another time please," i say.
His hand finds its way to my face.
"Tomorrow,please," he says.
I nod. He lets go of the door handle and i walk out.
"Everything okay," asks Four.
I nod.

"So thats what happened," Four says as we start walking. I nod.
We just finished before dinner which means we have the rest of the time off. Me and Four head to the mess hall and Eric walks behind us.
As we pass the chasm Loki jumps next to me.
"Hey Sunshine," he says.
"Hey Loki," i say.
"Ready for the party later," he asks.
"Sure, where at," i ask.
"Some guy i met from the bar."
"Cool, met you at the bar?"
"Sure 8:00."
After i say that he walks away. I turn around to see if Eric is still behind us to see that he is gone.
<Erics pov>
That little mother freaking lizard toad. It was him all this time. I am going to beat the mess out of him. I do not know what his plan for later is but i am keeping my eyes on him or maybe i will handle it.
He parts from Ace and then goes left. I follow and "accidentally" bump into him before he goes tumbling down the stairs at the end of the hall.
"Ops," i say to myself. I can feel the grin on my face.
I walk to a different stairs before walking towards the stairs well where i pushed him down.
"Help," i hear a voice croak.
I start running to it. Making sure i have a worried look plastered on my face.
Loki has a bloodied face and i can tell he has busted rib and arm. I pick him up and take him to the infirmary. They give him the medicine they gave Ace. But i tell them not to give him the numbing medicine. I can hear him screaming as i leave.
<ace pov>
I wait for Loki at the bar but he does not show for about and hour. Thats when i put two and two together and go look for Eric. Cause once Loki left so did he. He must have done something.
As i walk towards Eric's apartment i run by infirmary to check if he is there.
I find Loki sitting in a bed with restraints on him.
"Hey Loki, what happened," i ask.
"I fell down the stairs, they say it was probably me being silly and falling but i swear someone pushed me," he says.
I feel anger rising in my body. Eric trying to ruin everything. That bastard.
"I bet i know who it is. And i am going to pay him a visit," i say.
Loki glares at me which shocks me for a second. But then he turns concerned.
"Be Careful, do not get hurt yourself," he says.
I walk to Eric apartment and bang on his door.
"Eric open the freaking door," i say as i pound on the door.
He opens the door.
"What the hell, Ace," he say.
I punch him across the jaw as soon as he finishes his sentence.  He recovers quickly then glares at me.
"What the frick was that for," he says.
"You for sure know the hell why," i say.
He looks at me confused.
"You pushed Loki down the freaking stairs," i say.
He grabs my arm and pulls me into his apartment.
"Do not touch me," i yell.
He lets go and puts his hand through his hair. He looks pissed. And its scares me but i am not backing down now.
"What is wrong with you!? You break it off and push me away. But when some guy gets interested you try to paralyze him. What the heck is wrong with you. You walked away. I am trying to move on. So leave me the hell alone," i yell at him.
"For christ sakes Ace. Shut up. I love you okay. Freaking. Shit," he says as he walks away.
I stand there frozen. He just said he loves me. What the heck is going on.
He comes back with something in his hand. Its a couple slips of paper. He hands them to me. I read each one. Disgust filling into my system. Each one threatened to hurt me if Eric did not stay away. Each one said Sunshine and only one person called me that.
"When did you get these," i say.
"The day i broke it off with you and it continued," he says.
I look into his eyes he almost seems relieved. His eyes mesmerize me. They are almost like the ocean. He grabs my face in between his hand and put his forehead on mine. He breaths in.
"One day while you guys were training i went to the dorm. I found your stuff scattered every where. There was a knife stuck into your pillow with one of the notes, it said if i did not stay away, that he would end your life. I cleaned up the mess. Bought you new clothes and tried to make sure they were all the same. I was terrified of what he might do to you," he says.
"Is that why my clothes feel so weird," i smiled up at him.
He did this for me. It made me happy. Yeah i am glad he pushed Loki down the stairs. Do not get me wrong, the kid was cool. But the letter creeped me out. Yeah i guess i am like Eric i can be cruel. But Loki deserved it.
That night i stayed at Eric's. We cuddle in bed and kissed but nothing more. When we went to breakfast the next morning i sat with Four as Eric walked away.
As i start to converse with my friends a hand touches my shoulder. I turn around to met Loki face to face.
"Get up slowly and you won't get hurt, Sunshine," he whispers in my ear.
"Hey, i got to go, i will be back," i say to Four and stand up slowly.
I feel something sharp pushing into my side. I know he is holding a knife to my side. Small enough that no one could see it. It just looked like he was putting his hand on my back.
"Keep walking forward," he says.
"Loki what the hell are you doing," i say.
"I told that bastard to stay away sunshine. But he didn't, now you have to suffer the consequences of what he did. Now keep walking," he says as we exits the mess hall.
Sorry if this chapter is confusing. Hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you think and give me ideas.

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