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<Ace pov>
After eating with Lex and Tayla i leave to Four's apartment. I noticed that Rina and Will were not at the mess hall when i leave. Right when i step out the door i run into someone.
"Sorry," he says.
He has light brown skin and beautiful dark brown eyes. We are almost the same height. I smile at him. He blushes and seems a bit embarrassed.
"Uriah," i hear a male voice call.
"Coming Zeke," he says.
He waves as he leaves. Uriah i heard of that name i tell myself while i head towards Four's place, and Zeke sounds familiar to. Wasn't that Four's friend i say to myself. I knock on Four's door. I hear foot steps shuffle inside before the door opens.
"Hey," he says.
He motions for me to come in.
"What happened," i ask before i even fully step into Four's apartment.
He closes the door and motions for me to follow him to the bedroom where he closes the door. He seems worried that someone may hear us.
"He was divergent," he whispers towards me.
I heard of divergents before but i did not really worry about them.
"How do you know," i ask.
"The person who gave him the aptitude test told us," he says.
He looks disgusted by the thought of the person. I know Four has a secret, one that i only know. That he too is divergent. That he has been hiding under without anyone noticing. I wipe the shock off my face. I bet i already know who gave him the test. Jeanine Matthews. The one lady Eric can not stand but must respect. I find it funny that Erudite people are the first people to pop into my mind.
"Is there any other," i ask.
Leaving my thought of Eric behind.
"I won't know till second stage," he says.
No one knows what second stage is except dauntless members. And they do not tell anyone what it is. I know if i ask Four he will tell me what he tells everyone. That he can not tell me.
"Who else knows about him," i ask.
"The leaders," he says.
I stare at him. I should know that the orders come from the top. It should not be so foreign to me. Eric acted like that it really was a suicide and hell he played it off well. I thought maybe Max would show some emotion but he had the same hard exterior. The Max i knew was different then the one everyone else knew, and i saw how he acted to others everyday now. It was weird.
"Who did it," i ask.
Four looks at me with worry in his eyes, like what he's about to say might put me in danger.
"i can not discuss that," he says.
Four usually tells me everything, so this was really weird. It almost seemed like he didn't want me to get hurt. Then it hit me.
"Was it Eric," i ask.
He looks at me with eyes that i know so well. The eyes that spill every truth. I know the answer already and it shocks me.
"Yes," he whispers, almost as if he is letting the pain off his chest.
I knew Eric was a strong, mean, scary and sadistic leader. I just never thought he would kill someone because of what they are. But i am a dauntless and we have to kill. We are basically killing machines. So i do not understand why it shocks me.
"Ace, he is not the man you think he is," says Four.
I know he is hinting to when I came out of his apartment. I just nod and say,"I know."
I stand there like a frozen pillar unable to move or speak. Me and Four stand there in silence for a few minutes. I know Four going to ask me, why i am reacting this way. To tell you the truth i do not fully understand myself. Eric is a leader. He must do what is best for the faction. But Connor really did not seem a threat.
"You okay," asks Four.
"I am fine," i croak out.
Four walks over to me and engulfs me in a hug. It feels so awkward but i know its his brotherly side.
"I better get going," i say.
"Yeah, one more day of fighting and break," Four says with a smile.
I smile back at him and walk out his apartment.
I start heading down the stairs when i bump into someone.
"Hey Ace," i hear a deep voice.
I look up to see Eric staring down at me.
"Hey," i say back.
"Whats wrong," he says.
He puts his hand on my face and lifts my face up to him. He looks into my eyes. I guess what me and Four talked about is still on my mind.
"Nothing," i say trying to push past him.
He tugs on my arm and i turn to face him. He pulls me into an embrace. It feels so right but my thoughts were clouding my mind. I push away from him.
"I got to go. My friends will be waiting for me," i lied.
He lets me go and i walk away.
Thanks for the votes. Sorry i have been writing so slow. Schools a killer and i just came back from a tournament. I will get writing soon.

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