Chapter 16

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Aura's POV:

I woke up clenching my head. For once I thought I was dead. Everything felt so weird. I remember last time I was in my home. James came and...and... I don't remember anything.

But looking at this place, I was all alone in this darkness. I raised my hand to see if I could atleast see the nearest thing to me, but I was even unable to see them. 

I quietly stood up and started walking around. I held my hands out if I could touch the wall or door. But all I was feeling was air. It was like I am just walking and walking and walking and this place has no end.

While walking few steps, my foot stumbled on something. I picked it up and found it was a lamp. I turned the knob and a golden light shined out of it. Now I was able to see something clearly. As I was walking, I hear a thud.

"Hello" I called. 

No response. I thought it was just my mind illusionising things. I continued walking when I heard a louder thud. Now this was the dead end of all my bravery and my childhood fear was now taking up it's space.

The Ghost

"HELLO" I shouted more sternly but with voice full of fear. Still no response. I starting pacing faster when I again stumbled upon something.

"What is this?" I mumbled looking at what I stumbled on. My eyes went the widest seeing a piece of my horrible past.

The Ouija Board

I stepped back and back. This board brought a memory from my past I am scared of the most. Until I felt something was under my feet. I looked down and picked the things up. I ultimately recognised them.

"What is spirit box and EMF meter doing here?" I asked myself.

Until it stuck me.

"Wait, where am I?" I asked but this time louder as if I was asking someone. While looking around, I heard a knock.

"Whose there?" I asked. No response.

"I asked whose there?" I asked again but this time to there was no response. As I went to open the door. I find nothing but a hallway. I walked out of there as soon as I could. So this was what James was referring to my horror. 

Just then a wind passed by me. I looked back and found a black figure standing in front of me.  

"AAAAAAAAAAH" I screamed. But as soon as I did, it vanished. I ran at the end of the hallway.

"A mirror?" I asked myself noticing a mirror infront of me. I ignored it and ran to the other side of hallway.

"A mirror here too. A mirror infront of another mirror. OMG this creates......" Then it came to me.

A Vortex

I need to get out of this place. I was running when I heard some footsteps near me.

"Who--whose there?" I asked but as same. No response. 

"I need to run and find the exit." I said running to another end.

"Why are all the ends have mirror which creates Vortex? This place it definitely haunted." I said stopping at a place which was covered with only mirrors. I finally found a plate which was old and had something written on it.

"A psychic ward?" I mumbled.

As soon as I said this, I heard a little girl's laugh. Long near the end of hallway, I saw a girl showing her back to me with a doll. I went near her but not enough so that I could run if something's wrong. As I approached her, I called out.

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