22: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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I'd planned on posting this sooner, but I was sick and I really didn't feel like doing anything but sleeping and that's what I ended up doing, much to my little brother's annoyance. Its not that much but its all I've got wrote for now.

Chapter starts in Lexi's p.o.v.

Chapter 22:Apologies Are Overrated

“So, I've got a question.” If we were going to continue having sex like this there were a few things we needed to talk about. Most importantly, the fact that I'm not on birth control and the fact that he'd almost forgotten to-erm-cover his friend. “I thought you said that once you claimed me I'd get pregnant.” I can't help but wonder what a baby with Logan would look like, if he'd be a werewolf or if the baby would be able to talk to ghosts like me. And as scary as the thought of having a kid now is I find myself wanting one almost as badly as I want Logan, which scares me even more. Because I don't know how to take car of a baby, I don't know if I'd be able to take care of a baby. What if I end up being a horrible mother? What if I end up doing what my mother did to me? Oh god, I can't have a baby, at least not now, maybe not ever. But... what if Logan wants to have a baby?

“You would if I had changed you or if I forget to wear a condom. To be sure you don't though, there's a birth control made especially for Were's and their mates, we'll have to get you on it soon.” He doesn't want have a baby with me? I should be relieved, shouldn't I? I mean, I don't want a baby right now, I don't think I could take care of one, so I shouldn't be feeling so upset that he wants me to be on birth control, right? God, this is so confusing. I should be feeling happy, not about to cry, I shouldn't be feeling so rejected, should I? “Lexi? Baby, what's wrong? Honey, talk to me, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?

I just shake my head and sit up in the bed, struggling to keep my eyes off him as he dresses. Damn it, my hormones are going to kill me. “I'm fine, I just got something in my eye.” God, what the hell is wrong with me?

He frowns at me, “You're a bad liar, do you know that?” Yes, I know that, I can't lie worth a damn, its not like he has to point out the obvious. “What's wrong? Was it something I said? Lexi, I didn't mean to upset you, I swear. If you're that worried about having a baby I'll keep my hands to myself, I promise.” He grimaces as soon as the words are out of his mouth, cussing under his breath. “Okay, so I'll try to keep my hands to myself, I'm not promising that I'll be able to though, especially if you keep walking around in your birthday suit.”

My Teacher is a Werewolf & I'm His Mate.[Book One: Part One] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now