7: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

This was a bit rushed, but I wanted to get it done.

There's a pic of who I picture Lexi as over there somewhere---------->

And I wanna know who you guys picture as Logan cause I can't think of anyone.

Chapter starts in Lexi's P.o.v.

Chapter 7:Long Lost Friends

Heaven, his mouth on mine is pure unimaginable heaven. There's just no other way to describe the sensation tearing through my senses, making my skin tingle, little shocks of pleasure shooting through my body. Kisses aren't ever like this are they, I mean except for in the movies and story books, right? A simple kiss shouldn't set my body a blaze for him should it? I shouldn't be hyper-aware of where his hands are on me, I shouldn't be climbing his body trying to get closer to his deadly mouth.

It should be illegal to feel all of this from just a simple kiss, I shouldn't be near begging him for more, should i? For all I know kisses are always like this, one touch makes you want more and more until you can't think straight from the need. Is that how it is for everyone or am I just an anomaly?

My hands tangle in his hair, tugging at the strands as he pushes my back into the door frame, pressing his entire length into me. It shouldn't feel this good, it shouldn't make my mind fuzzy with nothing else but the need to have all of him. Now. The thought scares me, but not enough to make me stop him, to pull away from his drugging kiss. I'm a virgin, I've never had a boyfriend or anything close, the only reason I've ever been kissed by a boy was because his friends had dared him too. But here I am, standing in the front doorway of my teacher's house, all but begging him to take me, how does that happen?

I should be freaking out, right? I mean he just told me that he was a Werewolf and that I'm his mate so I should be screaming my head off not making out with him. The way my body is reacting to him isn't normal is it? It can't be normal, nothing about this seems normal, but then again I know nothing about anything like this so how would i know? As far as I know this is how everyone reacts when someone they care about kisses them. Wait, care about? I don't care about him, well like that, do I? I mean he's my teacher its not like anything can ever really happen, maybe I should have thought of that before he started carrying me through the house into what I'm guessing is a bedroom.

Okay, too fast, this can't happen now, its too fast, way too fast. So why can't I tell him no, why can't I pull my mouth away from his long enough to tell him to stop? I should tell him to stop, right, I should want to tell him to stop, right?

His hands roam my body, settling on my hips when he finally pulls away, leaving me panting, wanting more. He pulls back, leaning over me, staring me in the eye for long moments. "Too fast?"

I nod silently, running my hands through his hair, not wanting to stop even though I know we should. I can't have sex with him, no matter how badly I want to, its just way too soon. The thoughts that are running through my mind are scaring me, I've never thought about a guy this much and I don't know what to do. I want him so badly that its borderline painful, but I'm afraid of what will happen after. What happens if everything he's told me is a lie and he only wanted in my pants? What am I gonna do then?

If I just ignore the need to jump his bones it'll go away, right? Cause it'd be just a little embarrassing if I ended up panting over him in the middle of class, don't you think?

"What's wrong?" His fingers run across my cheek, causing my body to hum in need. Dammit, avoiding this need I have for him may be a little harder than I thought. How can such a simple touch send my body into overdrive? "Lexi, you should know by now that you can tell me. I know you're feeling scared but, love, I don't know why." 

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