Epilogue: My Teacher is a Werewolf & I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

So sorry I didn't get this up sooner, but I've been busy and haven't had the time. Thank you for reading, voting, commenting and just sticking around for me to get chapters up.

Epilogue: 2 Months Later

"You cannot be serious." She's lost her mind. During the three days the change had over taken her mind and body Lexi had gone and lost her ever loving mind. How could she expect me to forgive Harley just like that? How could she be willing to forgive Harley just like that? It just isn't going to happen.

"Logan, you said yourself, you would have done the same thing to protect me. Why are you being so hypocritical about this? She was just trying to keep Paxton and Maddox safe-"

"She handed you over to that mad woman! She just stood back and watched as they dragged you off and didn't say a word about it! She's lucky I didn't kill her! You should be grateful I didn't kill her." She scowls back at me, narrowing her eyes as she moves from the bed. The very bed I'd kept her since Mona gave the okay to any type of vigorous exercise.

"Why the hell should I be grateful?! If anyone here should be grateful its you! Grateful I didn't kick your ass when your ex girlfriend tried to kill me! Harley may have done some horrible things, she may have been the reason that bitch got her hands on me but that doesn't mean you should be acting like such a vengeful prick every time you see her." My mouth opens with an argument and she glares, poking a finger in my chest. "Shut the hell up and listen to me. I've forgiven her, you are going to forgive her and we're all going to be done with it. Got it?"

"Like hell," Laughter builds in my chest when she huffs and stomps into the bathroom, pausing long enough to slam the door. She's definitely gotten moody as the pregnancy progressed, not to mention the cravings she's beginning to have. "Lexi, I'm not forgiving her or Paxton, you can just forget it.

I pray she forgets it, because if she actually tried to persuade me into forgiving them I'd stand no chance and she knew it.

"Fine,whatever, but you're going to be civil tonight. Mom invited everyone over for dinner, apparently she and Zack have some big news to tell everybody." The disgust in her voice has me shaking my head as I walk over to the bathroom door, knowing she hadn't bothered to lock it. The last time we had this argument we had to get another door because she'd locked me out when I tried to distract her.

"Maybe they're finally going to admit she's pregnant." Lexi snorts as a reply and I laugh. The relationship between Zack and her mother was an odd one to say the least, but it kept the woman from glaring at me every time she saw me so I'm not complaining. Besides, it keeps Zack from flirting with Lexi every chance he gets, as well.

"He wouldn't dare, I'll kill him. I swear to god Logan, if your friend hurts my mother I'm going to neuter his ass." She glares at me in the mirror when I open the door, wrinkling her nose when my eyes wander to the barely there baby bump on her belly.

"No you wouldn't, your mother wouldn't let you." I wrap my arms around her waist from behind, hands settling over the small bump and she sighs.

"Mom, would never speak to me again." She sighs, leaning back into my embrace, giggling slightly when my fingers move over her ribs. "Stop that. I'm still mad at you." She scowls up at me, pushing me away and moving towards the shower.

"Why? I'm not just going to forgive her like nothing happened, Lexi. She's the reason Gloria got her hands on you, if Harley had cared at all what would happen to you she wouldn't have let Gloria take you." She ignores me, turning her back to me as she switches on the water. "Lexi, you could have died and then where would I be? You have to understand that I can't just pretend like she had nothing to do with it."

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