3: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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Chapter 3: Scars

There is no way this guy is just a teacher, no way, cause if he is I've died and gone to heaven and the last time I checked I was still alive and breathing. Maybe I'm dreaming, yea that's it Lexi, you're just dreaming, time to wake up now. Why can't I be right about one thing? There's something off about him, but I can't figure out what it is, and that isn't the only reason he's creeping me out.

I feel like I can trust him, like no matter what my problem is I can go to him, and I don't know him. Does that even make sense? How can I feel like I can trust him when I don't know him, I don't even feel like I can completely trust my own father, so how can I think I can trust him?

What confuses me more is why he carried me to the nurse. Any other teacher would have left me in the back of the room, thinking I'd fallen asleep, and went on with the class, but he didn't, why? Why does it even matter? Gah, I'm losing what was left of my mind thinking about this, it doesn't matter.

But as my eyes stray to his form, sitting so close, I can't help but think that it does. It matters to me, and I have no idea why. I care that he didn't just over look me, had the heart to take me to the nurse's office. And I don't understand why.

His car is fancy, or looks fancy to me, I don't know that much about cars, but it looks really expensive. Its big, very spacious with black leather interior that is softer than my bed. I could feel my eyelids drooping, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep, but that would only add to my embarrassment. Then again maybe he'd carry me into the house...

Oh my god! What am I thinking? Why am I thinking it? It makes no sense, none at all. I've never thought about guys like this before, so why him, why my new teacher? Its not like anything will ever happen, will it? Oh, god what is the matter with me?

I shouldn't be thinking about how nice it felt to be in his arms, how comforting. I shouldn't be drooling over how hard his body was, how the muscle, that you can clearly see through his shirt, felt against me. I shouldn't be wondering what he'd look like shirtless, and least of all what it'd be like if he kissed me, but here I am. In his car wanting nothing more than to climb into his lap and beg him to kiss me. I wonder what he would say. Would he kiss me?

"You alright over there?" He asks, watching me from the corner of his eye as he turns onto my street. This was the first thing he'd said the entire ride, pulling me from my very disturbing thoughts.

"Fine, you didn't have to drive me home, you know. I could have walked." I would have preferred to walk, it would have made getting this guy out of my head easier. With him sitting so close, it makes me want to scoot over and curl against him, to absorb his warmth and thats scary.

"I don't think Mrs. Turner was going to let you leave by yourself. So it was either I take you home or you wait all day for her to do it, I didn't think you'd like sitting around all day." He has a point there, Mrs Turner has made sure I always had a ride home, if I didn't she'd take me home at the end of the day, making me stay in her office so she can keep an eye on me.

"No, I wouldn't." I say, almost to myself. Its nice that he cared enough to take me home, but why did he? I would have been fine to sit in the nurse's office until the end of the day, or I could sneak away, but I would have been bored out of my mind, probably thinking about him. A fuzzy feeling settles in my stomach, and I'm suddenly very aware of how close he really is, how confined the car is.

"That's what I thought, which house did you say again?" He asked, smiling widely at me. That smile almost made me melt right then and there. My stomach clenched, my heart flipped and I'm sure I blushed.

"The last one on the right." I mumble watching the muscles shift in his arms, as he turns back to the road. My eyes are drawn the side of his face, where a scar runs the length of his face, stopping just below his chin. How had I not seen that before? Anyone with eyes would be able to see it and yet I'd missed it. I wonder what happened to him.

"Here we are." His voice sounded almost sad at this fact, but it must have been my imagination. Why would he be sad? "Are you alright?" His breath fans my face, making me aware that I'd unconsciously leaned closer to him, trying to see the scar better. I swear that was all I was doing, I just wanted to see that scar, right?

"S-Sorry, I-um-y-you have a scar on your face." I stutter, looking anywhere but the intense blue eyes staring back at me, watching my face with an almost savage look. Couldn't I have said anything but that? Is today embarrass the hell out of Lexi day or something? I'm sure he is well aware that there is a scar on his face, I should just run into the house before I do something else that he'll laugh about when I'm gone.

"I'm aware of that, I've had it since I was a boy. Are you sure you're alright, Ms. Remington?" He seems more concerned with me than what I said. Like the fact that I just pointed out the massive scar covering half of his face doesn't matter to him. But his eyes had hardened when I said it, as if he was waiting for me to say how repulsive it made him look. But it didn't, to me it made him look that much more unattainable, brought to reality that I would never have him. And that hurt, it hurt to no end, bringing tears to my eyes.

"Yea, I'm fine. Thank you for the ride home, bye." I rush out of the car, almost falling over in the process. Before running up the sidewalk and into the house, slamming the door behind me. It was rude yes, but the last thing I wanted him to see was my tears. He's already dealt with me enough today, there's no sense in him seeing a teenage girl bawl her eyes out over something that can't be changed.

The reason I wanted to cry made no sense, I wanted to cry for his pain. Its quite obvious that that scar had to have hurt him and I wanted to cry for him, I ache for him and it makes no sense. I don't know him, but I hurt for him. It makes me angry that he'd been hurt at all, it made me want to make the hurt go away. I wanted to make him forget the pain, in any way I could.

Why would I want to do that?


There were tears in her eyes. That knowledge made me angry, made me want to make them go away. Her pain had wrapped around me like a blanket, but so had her compassion. Both had been for me, she had felt pain for me as well as compassion and I couldn't help but feel ecstatic at the thought. She had no reason to feel anything for me, though I would change that, but she did already.

When she'd asked about my scar, I had been prepared for the traditional reactions. The curiosity, the disgust, but it hadn't come, what had shocked me to the core. Her eyes had watered, her compassion had warmed my soul, her pain left me aching to relieve it. These emotions were so clear as if they were my own and they left me in shock as she ran from the car to her house. The door had slammed behind her, drawing me from my confusion, a smile curling along my lips.

She cared, even though she had no reason to. It won't be easy, telling her she is my mate but I doubt she'll be entirely apposed to the idea. Maybe its overconfidence in my charm, but I'll have her at my side before the month is out. I hope.

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Its short I know, but its all I have done at the moment. If I have time tomorrow I'll write more and possibly another upload.

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