Lexi & Logan (Part Deux)??

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I'm extremely bored and for the past couple of weeks I've had the idea of, rather than ending My Teacher is a Werewolf where it did,making a second part to it. When I go back through the story there are things that I didn't get put into it that, when I originally started writing it, I wanted to put in.

I won't say for sure when, or if, I'll start posting anything, just yet, as I haven't gotten very much written at the moment. And I can't say if I'm still going to be uplaoding any chapters for Love Notes, because I'm thinking of deleting that and maybe reloading once I'm completely finsished with Lexi and Logan.

I haven't completely decided whether or not I'm actually going to continue with Lexi and Logan, but I wanted you guys' opinion. Seeing as how I'll be uploading for people to read I don't want to waste my time and upload if no one's going to read it.

Please let me know what you all think, because your opinions will really help me decide what I'm going to do. :)


The first part of the second half of MTW is up now!

My Teacher is a Werewolf & I'm His Mate.[Book One: Part One] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now