23: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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Okay, I just have a couple things to say: I think its funny that almost everyone of you guys automatically thought Maddox was the one Lexi ran into and I find it funny that everyone thinks he's the bad guy just cause he's a hunter. Its funny but its very rude, he's very upset over that you know.

Chapter starts in Lexi's P.o.v.

Chapter 23: Reunions Can be Disastrous

You know, I'm starting to think my step-mother might be completely bonkers. How-why is she here? Did she follow us here? Cause if she did then she's a totally insane stalker and that stupid smile on her face makes me want to kick her ass.

She sniffs the air, like a dog, and shoots me a disgusted look as she circles me slowly. Why, oh why, did I have to run out of the room in only a bed sheet? “You know, I honestly thought better of you, what with your mother's example.” She clucks her tongue disapprovingly, “Pregnant at 17, Lexi really? I thought you'd be smart enough to not fall for his charms, I guess I was wrong.”

P-pregnant?! What the hell is she talking about? “W-what? I'm not pregnant, Logan said-”

“Logan said, Logan said. Oh please, that moron has his head so far up his ass that he can't tell up from down. Let me guess he told you you wouldn't get pregnant so long as he didn't change you and wore a rubber, right?” I nod slowly, wondering why I'm not running away screaming. “He lied dear, that's what men do.”

I shake my head, hating the part of me that agrees with her. “I can't be pregnant, I'm not pregnant.” I would know if I was, wouldn't I? Hell, Logan would know if I was pregnant, right?

“Yes you can and you are. Now, between me and you, I'm a little surprised Logan doesn't know it already, but you are a halfbreed and the scent isn't that prominent.” Insane, she's insane and doesn't know what the hell she's talking about, that's all, right?

“A halfbreed What the hell are you talking about?” I'm not a halfbreed, whatever that is.

“A halfbreed is half human half Were sweetheart, and you are very much one.” I'm not a hybrid, the only way I could be is if one of my parents were a Were and they're not, right? Oh god, what if Gloria's actually my mother or what if my dad was lying when he said he wasn't changed until after I was born?

My Teacher is a Werewolf & I'm His Mate.[Book One: Part One] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now