18: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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Its a bit rushed, because I'm supposed to be doing homework, so there might be mistakes.

Chapter 18: Road Trip

“Are you sure this was a good idea?” Why do I keep asking the same question over and over? Harley has to be getting annoyed by now, but she only keeps nodding her head to the music, studiously ignoring every wide out of my mouth. Why do I keep thinking if I ask that I'll get different answer? She obviously thinks this was a god idea, otherwise we'd still be at the house, in our own rooms, most likely crying ourselves to sleep.

“Lexi, you worry too much about what Logan will think when they figure out we're gone, if they haven't already. Hell, I'm surprised we made it out of the house without either of them noticing.” Yea, seeing Logan and Paxton cuddling on the couch would have been funny, if it hadn't left a raw ache in my chest. But this will be god for me, right? Getting away from the drama for a little while, possibly take my mind off of Logan, having fun. It'd be a change, that's for sure, but I have this weird feeling things won't go the way I think Harley is hoping.

“What makes you think they'll follow us?” Hell, please don't let them follow us, I don't think I could handle it. He says he doesn't want me, that he's leaving town and then he changes his mind and tells me I'm leaving town with him. What the hell kind of drugs is he on? It doesn't work that way, even if I wanted to leave town with him, which I don't, I couldn't. My dad will kill both of us, literally.

She snorts, flicking me a 'duh' look. “Because despite how utterly idiotic they are, they wouldn't want either of us out of there sight for more than an hour, not with everything that's going on. Besides, from what I heard Logan was trying to figure out how to get you to forgive him, so far he'd been up to a boat load of chocolate and roses.”

“What really happened between Logan and Gloria?” I choose to ignore the thought of Logan buying me chocolate and roses, before it makes me feel all tingly inside, and ask the question that had been bothering me since I found out who my step-mom really is. Logan left somethings out, I just know he did, but I never really got the chance to ask him what.

“Logan didn't already tell you? Um, I don't know much, but I don't really think I should be the one to tell you what I do know. You should ask Logan when they get to the hotel we'll be staying at.” If she hadn't mentioned Logan and a hotel I probably would have bugged her some more until I got some answers, but as soon as she'd said it my imagination ran wild. The thought of being alone with Logan in a hotel room, well it made my hormones go insane and I couldn't help the blush when Harley smirked at me. “You my little friend have got it bad.”

My Teacher is a Werewolf & I'm His Mate.[Book One: Part One] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now