8: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

Okay, I didn't plan on updating this soon, but I did say I'd update as soon as I got 80 votes on the last chapter which got 101 votes. Which is so cool!

Chapter starts in Lexi's P.o.v.

Chapter 8: Sleepover Pt. 1

"I swear, I'll never leave you. There'd be no place in the world for me if anything happened to you." Why can't I believe him? Something is telling me that if it came down to it he'd leave to protect me from anything. The thought of him leaving me hurts, it makes me sic to the stomach and I don't even want to think about what will happen if he actually does leave. Ok, if I just don't think about it then it won't hurt right? Is that how it works? Because I don't know how much more I can think about him leaving with breaking down balling.

"Shouldn't we-um, go back out there?" I ask, quietly as he steps closer and closer until he's pressed against me entirely. A breath I hadn't even realized I was holding rushed out of my lungs and I lean into him, fighting the urge to kiss him. Why couldn't I think of anything other than they way he's touching me? How good his hands feel on my skin, how light headed him being anywhere near me I get?

"I'm sure they can entertain themselves for awhile." He mumbles against my lips, a second before he steals them in a kiss. Is this normal? To want him so bad I can't think, can't breath? It can't be normal to not think of anything other than what I know will happen sooner or later, can it? "Lexi..."

God, that sound makes me hotter than I already am, if that's even possible. How can him only saying my name make me feel like this? Maybe its just him, the way his voice sounds when he's saying it, how guttural it gets. I never knew a voice alone could turn you on, does that happen to everyone?

His lips whisper over my collarbone, traveling to my neck where he growls softly, pulling away with a pained expression. "You're making this very difficult, love." He whispers, brushing my hair off my neck, lightly tracing his fingers along my jaw.

What was it that he'd said? I was making it difficult, what was I making difficult? My mind couldn't process anything other than what his hands were doing, how one curved over my bottom while the other traced my collarbone, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Dammit, does he not know what he's doing to me, how difficult he's making something as simple as breathing?

He sighs pulling back slightly, staring me in the smiling. Damn, his smile alone had my heart racing, how is that possible? "You're thinking too hard, love. I'm not going anywhere, even if you wanted me too." He whispers, running his fingers over my cheek with a thoughtful expression.

Why would I ask him to leave? I don't think I'd ever be able to bear the thought of asking him to leave, let alone actually doing it. Thinking about it now has me nervous, wondering if he'll actually keep his promise or not. But there was something else that had me curious.

"How long have you known Harley and Paxton?" I ask him, watching him chuckle under his breath a moment before there was a loud thud on the other side of the door. My eyes go wide and I watch his butt as he opens the door, barely restraining my laughter at what I saw.

Harley had Paxton pinned to the floor, sitting on his back, holding his hands tightly in her own as she yelled at him in too many different languages for me to understand. "I told you to leave them alone! And what do you do, you take your wolfy ass and listen through the door! What if they'd been doing something personal, huh? Do you even know the reason they made a door in the first place? To keep nosy wolves like you from eavesdropping! Now apologize and I'll let you up."

My Teacher is a Werewolf & I'm His Mate.[Book One: Part One] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now