11: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

Guys seriously I need some time to write the chapters and getting over 100 votes in one day isn't helping me here! Don't get me wrong I love that you all like this story, but you'll have to be patient with me. Also, I got some news that I don't think you're gonna like: I will NOT be uploading ANY stories for maybe a week, give or take a couple of days. I gotta have my gallbladder taken out and if what people are telling me is true then I'm gonna be hella sore for a while.

Chapter starts in Lexi's P.o.v.

Chapter 11: The "L" Word

"I wanted tonight to be special, because I wanted to tell you that I-I love you." I blink at him, trying to understand what it was that he just said. He hadn't just said that he loves me, had he? It has to be a trick of my imagination, he couldn't have said that, there's just no way. Why would he?

"Y-You what?" I couldn't have heard him right, my mind is just playing tricks on me, just getting my hopes up for nothing. Even if he had said it he couldn't have meant it the way I want him to, its just not possible.

He tilts his head to the side, watching me carefully. "I love you, Lexi." Okay, so he'd said it, again, but what am I supposed to say? Does he want me to say it back, because if he does I don't know if I can. I care about him, a lot, more than I know I should, but is it love? My emotions are so messed up right now that I don't know how I feel.

Besides, love? It isn't real, is it? I mean is there really such an emotion that can keep a man and woman bound to each other forever? My parents had sworn that they'd loved each other and look where that got them. He said he loves me, my teacher, my Werewolf said he loves me and I don't know what to say. Can I say it back to him, not knowing how I really feel? My entire being depends on being around him, the thought of never seeing him again breaks my heart, but is that love? Or is it just some side-effect of me being his mate?

Isn't a little soon for it to be love, anyway? Nothing about what I feel for him is clear, my mind is too clouded with him being so close, my emotions are in constant chaos, but the way his face falls when I say nothing makes me hurt more than anything ever has. But, I don't know if I can say it.

I've seen how love effects people, how it messes with their minds so severely, could that be what he's done to me? Has he managed to make me fall in love with him in the short time I've known him? Could the reason I can't think straight around him, the way he's always on my mind, is that love? Or is it just a crush?

"Logan..." The words fall off my tongue as soon as I'd been about to say them. If its so hard for me to even think about then am I in love with him? Shouldn't I be imagining our wedding and everything about our future together if I loved him? "I..."

He clears his throat. "Too soon, right? Look I didn't say it for you feel that you have to say it in return but I thought you should know." I nod, trying to not notice the pain in his eyes, to ignore the ache in my chest when I can't say what I want to say.

If its so hard for me to say the words, then would they be true if I got them out? Shouldn't it be easy to tell him I love him too, if I really mean it? In all the books I've read, the movies I've seen, I've never seen someone have so much trouble telling someone else that they were in love with them, unless they didn't truly mean it.

"Logan, its not that its just that I-" What can I say to him? I don't believe in love, I haven't since my mother left, but is that whats making me ache with a pain I've never felt before at the sight of his hurt?

He smiles sadly at me. "Don't worry about it, Lexi. Its fine really, you don't have to say anything." So then why do I feel like I have to say it? He's hurt and even though I wish I could, I don't think I can. To ease his hurt I'd have to tell him that I love him and, obviously, I can't get the words out. What the hell is wrong with me? I care about him, hell he's the only person I've ever thought about like this, but I can't tell him I love him.

My Teacher is a Werewolf & I'm His Mate.[Book One: Part One] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now