5: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!


I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, but this is probably the only time this week that I'll have to upload. Please comment and vote. I've changed Luke's name to Logan, if I missed any parts in the other chapters let me know and I'll change it.

Chapter 5: Busted

I asked him to kiss me, oh god I really asked him to kiss me. Why had I asked him to kiss me? I don't regret it, but I should, shouldn't I? It isn't like he actually wants to kiss me, does he? When I'd said it something had flashed in his eyes, darkening the color or them, something that had made me suddenly aware of how dangerous he looked. His entire look screamed danger, but there was a gentleness to him that he'd shown me all day today, but it had seemed forced. Does anything I've just said make any sense or does it all just seem like a jumbled mess because he's so close?

His mouth is but a breath away from mine, his scent is filling my nose, making coherent thoughts very difficult, but yet he's far enough away to allow me to see his eyes. To watch as they darken, turning an almost menacing looking black, before fading back to the original blue. Am I imagining this or did his eyes really change color? You know what it doesn't even matter, he's too close for it to matter. I'm sure later I'll wonder how I ended up in this situation, but right now thats the least of my worries.


Are you sure you want me to kiss you? Lexi this will complicate things a bit, don't you think?" He says frowning down at me, his voice is strained, as if he's fighting to control some hidden demon, but my mind is elsewhere. Of course, it would complicate things Lexi, he doesn't want to kiss you, you moron, he just feels sorry for you. Does he feel sorry for me? Everyone else I meet does, so why would he be any different?

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