4: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

Chapter starts in Lexi's Pov.

Chapter 4: Kissing the Werewolf

The fluttering in my stomach is only my imagination, right? That's all it is, its not because I'm attracted to the guy, it can't be. He's my teacher and even if he weren't he wouldn't want me when he finds out about my 'gift', he'd think I'm a freak. Everyone does, when they find out they either look at me like I'm so type of science experiment or they run away, I'd prefer it if he ran away. It'd be easier if I could ignore him, right, just pretend he isn't there, I can do that. As soon as I can convince myself of it, it'll be so much easier if I can believe that lie myself.

But I can't, because I know I won't be able to ignore him, how is it that in three short hours he's all I think about? It makes no sense, I don't know him but he's all I can think about, I've never done that. I've never thought so much about a guy that I wonder if he's thinking about me, I never used to care.

Three hours, thats how long ago I met him, three hours and I want him more than I've ever wanted anything. It makes me feel crazy, more so than people already think I am. I want to know how he got that scar on his face, I wanna know where he's from, hell I wanna know anything he's willing to tell me and it makes no sense.

I wish Gloria was here, she's always wanting to talk about clothes and boys. I wonder what she'd say if I told her this, though. No doubt she'd tell dad and then I'd have to make another unannounced visit to my therapists house. I'm not insane, am I? I mean what I'm feeling is crazy but this isn't exactly something you can talk about with your therapist.

I don't know what to do, I've never known what to do, but its never been like this. I've never been so confused that I couldn't think straight, never wanted to be able to confide in one person more than I do now. I wish I had a real mom around, that I wasn't a freak who talked to ghosts, I wish I go back to this morning and not go to school. This is all his fault, if he hadn't come here then I wouldn't be thinking like this right now, I'd be in school being ignored by everyone. I'm used to that, I know how to handle that, this I have no idea how to handle.

I'm actually considering finding my mother and asking her what to do. That is how confused I feel right now. I'd take the useless advice she'll give me over standing here staring out my bedroom window and wondering what to do. I know what she'll say, she'll tell me to screw him and move on, she always tells me that. The problem with that is, I'm actually considering taking her advice this time.

My skin tingles, my stomach feels queasy and the familiar mental fog settles over my mind. Its like tunnel vision as I stare across the road, seeing the lone figure standing beside the lamp post. Their face was in the shadows, but the silhouette was clearly that of a man. A sense of dread washed over me, echoing cries of death swirled through my mind, confirming that the man was indeed dead.


My mother's apartment was small, dirty and infested with rats, not that she'd ever notice when she stumbles in at night. She lived on the south side of town, though she never stayed anywhere long enough to bother paying rent. If you saw her you'd think she was twice the age she is now, her hair is fried from her dying it so much, her face is always caked with make-up and she wears clothes that are two times too small. But she's my mother.

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