2: My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

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My Teacher is a Werewolf and I'm His Mate. Wait, What?!

So it seems like some of you liked this and to be honest at the moment its easier for me to write this than my other stories.

Again if you like it comment and vote, maybe even fan?

Chapter 2: Introductions

"Hello, class I'm Mr. Santos and I'll be your new English teacher." His voice was low, husky as if he'd just woken up but his words sounded rehearsed, like he'd practiced them in the mirror. His eyes ran over the class before stopping on me, where they stayed. Heat coursed through my veins, making me very aware of the blush that was now flushing my cheeks. He smiles when he sees this and none to discreetly winks at me before he continues talking. "Now, instead of actually doing work today as it is my first day, I want to get to know all of you." His eyes shoot back to mine and I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

I watch uninterested as several cheerleaders go on and on about themselves, pushing their chests out so far I'm surprised they didn't hurt their backs. But then again they're on their backs a lot so it probably didn't bother them, okay bad Lexi. Thoughts like this is usually what gets me into trouble, because I usually end up voicing whatever I'm thinking and then it starts a fight. Urgh, I wish I could just leave, I don't think my dad would care Gloria would be there to 'comfort' him and I have no other family that wants anything to do with me.

I snort quietly to myself. I've tried running away before and I swear the world so does not like me. It'd been sunny when I left the house, but as soon as it was out of sight it started pouring, lightening, thunder and all. I ended up soaked at the bus stop where some hobo fell asleep on me and then to top it all off someone's little rat of a dog decided to take a dump in my bag, which had all the money, food and clothes I had packed. Needless to say I ended up back home and grounded for a month. Though my dad was never around to make sure I never went anywhere so does it really matter?

"Is there something you would like to share with the class?" His voice is at my ear, so close that his breath fans my face making me wonder if he tastes like mint as well. So maybe I wasn't so quiet, but tell me how the hell did he get back here so quickly, silently?

A blush fills my face when I see everyone watching us, some in amusement and others in jealousy. "Uh..." I blink up at him from under my lashes, watching his jaw tense, his hand clenching on the back of my chair as his eyes darken to black. Then they change back and he stands straight as though nothing happened, and it happened so fast that I'm wondering if I imagined it myself.

"Well? It seemed as though you found something rather funny, wouldn't you like to share it with the rest of us?" He asks tilting his head to the side, watching me with an intensity that was unnerving.

"Uh," Everyone in the room watches me, waiting. "Did you know that cat pee glows under a black light?" Okay, where the hell did that come from? And how the hell did I know that, why would I know that? I wonder if its true...

A smile broke out on his face, while everyone else stared at me like I was insane. "No, I can honestly say I did not know that." The amusement was clear on his face, but he didn't seem to be making fun of me, laughing with me instead of at me like all the others in the room.

"No one wants to know that, I mean gross! How would you even find that out?" Stacia, the head cheerleader whined, glaring at me in a way that had me sinking back in my seat. Several other cheerleaders make sound of agreement, all smirking when I sink lower in my seat, still very aware that Mr. Santos was still standing behind me.

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