chapter 69

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Jeon Jungkook

"I'm all yours

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"I'm all yours. I'm all yours." Words that continuously came out of his mouth like velvet as he made love to her on the bed they shared for over two years. His bedroom used to feel cold and empty, now the whole house felt like heaven to come home to. Her body was a safe haven and he wished he had considered sex as a self-preservation thing from the start. Song Areum should have been his first time as much as she was his first everything, if he had known she felt and tasted like power, freedom and life itself all at once, he would have waited for her arrival like she waited for him.

"I love you. I love you." were the words that slipped her soft lips as they came at the same time, reaching zenith for the fifth time that night.

They made love rough and hard at first and saved the passionate, slow and teasing sex for the last. He took his time on her and she savored every second of it, letting him know in every arch of her back, every soft moan and murmur of his name was paradise radiating from him. She had left electricity in every part of his body that she touched. They've become each other's drug—one taste and the intoxication was instant. When they made love, it felt like a lifetime he wouldn't mind getting stuck in forever.

He gently pulled out and laid beside her, stretching an arm so she could lay on him after hours of making love. They were out of breath and she shivered before he could fix the comforter over their naked bodies, he held her tight with both arms and she nuzzled her head on his chest as she wrapped an arm on his waist.

"I love you more," he reminded her and left a lingering kiss on her forehead, closing his eyes in the process because she smelled like fresh sweet flowers from paradise. The lightest shade of rose gold hair sprawled on their pillow looked foreign but it was still Areum in his arms and her body still felt the same—perfectly fit to his crevices.

—— 3 Months later ——

Is your band disbanding soon? A question often asked to BTS. When they were younger, they would've said no but eventually. Long before they aged and started thinking about creating a family of their own, they've prepared themselves to let go of the spotlight when the time comes. However, the answer to that question changed and have been decided.

No, not anytime soon. They will always be BTS, taken or not, married or single, fathers or husbands or bachelors. It's been decided that they could still live a proper life with the spotlight on the other end. There shouldn't be a choice between.

It was the first Day of filming, the members were currently on the film site of their Music Video being released in a few months. The staff were all busy making sure their clothes and makeup were intact for both the photoshoot and filming of the music video.

"The door's not going anywhere. Are you waiting for someone?" Hoseok asked as they were getting a break from filming.

"Areum?" Taehyung asked as he placed an arm around Jungkook's shoulder. "She's not coming. Trust me,"

Jungkook glared at him. His friend didn't mean to sound rude and offensive but Taehyung has always been pessimistic about Areum's job. He thought she was rarely around and in a way it was true especially since she got back to work after her musical performance on the Anniversary. Areum only went home every four days, sometimes she'd just shower and then leave again or even when she's at home, the computer was where she hung out the most. Her mentor have put her on a tight leash since her last accident and though she hated being punished for morally doing the right thing, she understood the importance of logically following the rules of the Hospital too and so, Jungkook refused to give her a hard time and demand for her time. He knew she wanted to devote her time on him just as much, he doesn't blame her for being busy at all.

"She'll be here." Jungkook stated confidently. "She'd come when she said she will,"

That was what stood up on her, she never broke a promise to him.

His friends shrugged and before they could even begin another conversation, a familiar face walked in with Namjoon which brought a baffling expression on the rest of the members. All six gathered together as they watched Namjoon spread his legs wide to lower his height, so that the woman could reach his hair and makeup.

"Am I having Deja Vu?" Hoseok whispered nervously and blinked his eyes a couple of times.

Yoongi cleared his throat. "No. That's Bae Soo-Ah, alright."

"I thought she's got her own building now," Jungkook wondered just as three other girls walked in.

"Oh god," Jimin scowled quietly before excusing himself to hide in the bathroom.

Bae Soo-Ah, Lee Yuna, Kang Saram and Han Sohee—all who used to work as stylists and makeup artists and were part of the BTS Staff a few years back. . .  and all had history with Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, the last three were just quick flings who have slept with the three women briefly but Bae Soo-Ah has had a pretty long and serious relationship with Namjoon then. They were engaged—he was going to marry her.

"This is why I never dated anyone in our team, the world is too small." Jin let out a sigh before taking his phone out to call his fiancée.

The rest watched as Namjoon engaged in a deep conversation with Soo-Ah, his smile brighter than ever—the kind he used to have when they were still together. Shame, they only ever broke up because Soo-Ah had to leave the team and pursue Cosmetology in France. Namjoon said she'd always dreamed of becoming her own person and eventually mastering her arts in cosmetics on her own. She was the kind who didn't want to be defined as someone else's special someone but she did love Namjoon—she just had to choose herself first.

"They're back together or something?" Taehyung lazily asked Hoseok and Yoongi.

"It's none of our business," Yoongi reminded them and resorted to his phone too, sending a text message to Jana who was currently out of town and fixing some commitments in Los Angeles.

"Hey, it's been awhile." Lee Yuna greeted the members, scanning the room for Jimin.

Jimin liked flirting but was too embarrassed to meet someone in his long list of past flings.

"Erm, you're all not back here for good, are you?" Taehyung asked awkwardly, struggling not to sound rude.

Jungkook sat straight on his chair and took out his phone to text his fiancée too.

"Don't worry, we're only helping out today. We have our own lives now," Han Seohee—the one Jungkook had slept with once answered as she approached Jungkook.

"Shall we get started?" she asked him before casually taking the toner to prep his skin.

"Shall we get started?" she asked him before casually taking the toner to prep his skin

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