chapter, 1

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Witches in Riverdale

Jessica Spellman

"I don't know Jessie I think this is a big mistake," Sabrina said as she rushed after you down the stairs. "I'm sorry brina but this plan has been in the works since I was a ten, and, " you said walking towards the kitchen ." I agree with Sabrina. Why would you want to leave Greendale? To go on a wild goose chase in 'Riverdale. Aunty Zelda said in a sarcastic tone. You look at her with a slightly annoyed face. "No offense auntie but I'm pretty sure me going back to 'Riverdale. You said in a sarcastic tone using air quotations." Is a bad I can't continue with my life without knowing what happened to my parents." you said with a slight whisper at the mention of your parents.

Your parents died in a car crash just when you were a few weeks old... They said that it was a miracle that you survived the car crash. But if they asked you it was a Mistake. You always felt like you were the one to blame for their deaths but you were just a child you had nothing to do with it or so you think.

"Well, I think it's a great idea!" Aunt Hilda said as she made your favorite breakfast grilled cheese sandwiches with hot coco. It was a weird choice for breakfast but to be honest nothing about you was normal. You were snap out of your thoughts when she placed the plate down on the table. "Well come on sit!" She said with her usual peppy attitude. "Thanks, aunty at least one of you is on board with this." You said taking a sip of your hot coco. "Don't worry cousin I'm ohk with it" ambrose walking in patting you on the shoulder while taking the seat next to you. "Thanks, ambrose." You said with a grin on your face. You were interrupted when Sabrina said. " I know but I still can't see my favorite person in Greendale leave," Sabrina said with a frown on her face. "Don't worry Sabrina I'll call you. plus it's not like going to some boarding school it's just Riverdale." You said. " I'll be just one drive away." You said placing your hand on her shoulder but still Sabrina groaned with a frown on her face." Come on cuz I'll call at least once a week promise." You said "Promise" Sabrina repeated "Promise." You said reassuring her she then hugged you.

After breakfast...

"Well, as much as I'm going to miss this place I must get going. Don't want the night to fall before I get there." You said standing in front of the outside staircase and behind you a car waiting to bring you to Riverdale. You felt like this would be a big mistake. But it was too late to turn back now...

"I'm gonna miss you guys," you said trying to hold back your tears. "We're all gonna miss you, Jessie," Sabrina said giving you one last hug. You looked an aunty Z. You chuckled knowing she's probably too proud to admit it. So you hugged her. She slowly accepted it by hugging you back "I'm gonna miss you too." She whispered to you causing you to smile. You two parted as you looked at ambrose ."Don't think of this as a goodbye cuz...thinks of it as a see you later." ambrose said. " well then see you later cuz." You said smiling at him. "Oh! Come here you." Aunty Hilda said pushing Ambrose and Sabrina apart. "Imma miss you the most auntie held." You said returning her tight hug "make sure to visit and don't get into too much trouble now." She said "no promises." You said with a smirk on your face. "Ohk guy's at this rate I'll never make it to Riverdale... Love you." You said before pulling your suitcase behind you. "Bye." You said before sighing sadly. "Bye." They all said waving at you as you get into the car closing the door.


As the car door closed. A new door opened. If only you knew what waited for you on the other side.





Witches in Riverdale

By Unidentified Weirdo: till next time~

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