chapter, 10

392 13 7

Witches In Riverdale

'Touch of evil PT.2'

Jessica Spellman

The next day I was at my locker when someone touched me on the shoulder. My soul basically jumped out of my body. After the incident with Sabrina and the malmalus tree. I've been having nightmares.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Betty apologies. I nodded indicating that I accepted her apology.

Usually, I wouldn't be startled so easily I've seen a lot of things that are 'Questionable'. In every witch's immortal lifetime you've seen every disturbing thing imaginable.

I sighed.

"Look I'm so sorry for the way I acted burning tryouts. I didn't get to you apologize before you left for Greendale." She finished.

I nodded.

'There's no need to apologize Betty I wasn't a part of the argument anyway.' I thought but of course, I couldn't say that with my mood today it may sound a little bit bitchie coming from me so I said...

"Yeah of course I forgive you, there's no need to apologize," I said trying to sound like I normally do. She hugged me and we walked to the student's lounge.

Betty sat down next to Kevin while I chose to lean against the wall next to Jughead.

"Hey, Spellman." He greeted, smiling at me.

"Sup, Jughead," I said sweetly.

'Lol, where was this attitude when I was talking to Betty?'

"And Sheriff Keller's grilling me. Mantle the magnificent. Like I'd want Blossom dead when he was like the only good quarterback we had. And speaking of offensive tight ends, I should have sent the cops over to you moose. Because here's another mystery what exactly were you and Keller doing at the river or begin with the sheriff's son give you a free pass." Reggie said.

I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"Don't listen to him Kev, Reggie's just being a blowhard," Betty said to Kevin.

"I don't care about what he says," Kevin said clearly annoyed by Reggie.

'Who can blame him, Betty's right he his a blowhard but I would rather call him 'A dumb jock jackass.'

[Author: No offense to my Reggie stans.]

"I mean let's think about it if a kid at riverdale killed Jason, it's not going to be a jock right? Now let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic, Internet troll, too busy writing his manifestation to get laid. Some smug, moody serial killer fanboy freak, like jughead! What was it like suicide squad? You did stuff to the body, like after?" Reggie accused jughead.

'I never wanted to punch someone in the face more than I did now.'

"It's called necrophilia Reggie, can you spell it?" Jughead asked sarcastically with a smirk on his face.

"Come here you little-" Reggie said jumping over the couch running towards him.

"Shut the hell up Reggie," Archie said pushing him away from me and jughead.

"Boys," Veronica said warningly. "What do you care, Andrews," Reggie asked.

"Nothing just leave him alone Archie said getting angry. "Holy crap did you and Donnie Darko kill him together? Was it some sort of pervy blood brother thing?" Reggie asked, and Archie punched Reggie in the face. I backed up and watched as the boys began to fight other people jumped in and tried to pull them off each other.

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