chapter, 14

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Betty Cooper | First Person.

I covered my eyes and tried to look away from all the half-naked boys. We bumped into Archie and I hid my eyes more.

“Betty? Veronica? What are you guys doing here?” He said holding up his towel that was about to fall.

“Don't worry about it, Archie,” Veronica said.

“No guys—”

“I mean it, Andrews hit the showers and stay out of my way.” Veronica snapped. I looked at Archie before following behind her to where Chuck was standing. 

“Wow, B and V, manage right on ladies.” Chuck greeted us.

“This is disgusting. Take it down.” Veronica demanded.

“Why are you so up wound up. It's a badge of honor, and you're not exactly virgin territory after your closet date with Andrews.”

“Okay that's beyond irrelevant Chuck you can't go dehumanizing girls like there are some objects for you to abuse,” I said voicing what was on my mind.

“Look, I get it you are not a closet kind of girl, but that innocent attitude drives me nuts, why don't you fix it.” He said

Innocent attitude?

“Let's keep this simple so you're preppy murder half Brain can understand it. Take. This. The hell. Down.” Veronica hissed.

“Okay, that strung b*tch attitude might get you beta's in New York. But you're in bulldog territory now.” Chuck said as guys came behind him and barked like a dog in our faces.

“But please try. You'll only make it harder on yourself.” He said smirking. Veronica huffed and dragged us out of there.

“I have to go. I'll see you later Ronnie, and I promise, I'll fix this.”

Jughead Jones | Third Person.

“And in that moment of hesitation, you're dead. All of you are dead.” Dilton says to his scouts. He looked over at Jug and Betty.

“At ease Doiley. We are writing an article for the blue and gold. Hoping you can help,” Jughead said.

“Dismissed! But stay close!” Dilton yelled.

“Cheryl and Archie said they heard a gunshot, on the morning of July fourth. But they don't know who fired.” Jug said.

“Sheriff Keller already asked me. I didn't hear anything weird.” Dalton said.

“Did you see anything weird?” Jughead asked.

“A white-winged crossbill, a long-eared owl, oh! And Cheryl sitting by the river, soaking wet.” Jughead noticed one of his scouts looking at him and Betty.

Jughead glanced at him in return causing the scout to look away.

“Come on Jughead,” Betty said pulling Jughead's arm away from the scouts. As he followed her.

Veronica Lodge | Third Person

Veronica hung up her phone. As she dried her tears. When her mother walked in Veronica quickly pulled herself together to make sure she wasn't crying.

“Hey I've been meaning to ask, how was your date last night?” Her mom asked as she entered. “I liked the looks of that boy.”

“The more handsome on the outside the more rotten on the inside,” Veronica said.

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