chapter, 17

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Jessica Spellman | 1st PERSON

Yesterday, I arrived in Riverdale around midnight. So far I had to make a call to Mr. WeatherBee to aware him of my arrival back to school.

He told me that my Auntie has already called and told him that I will be back in school tomorrow. I assume that it was my Aunt Hilda.

Since I guess Sabrina, myself, and our Aunt Zelda is currently not on good terms at the moment...

The next person I wanted to call was Jughead.

He's been ringing off my phone ever since I left. But I couldn't answer his calls. I was completely focused on protecting Sabrina.

And if I did answer one of his calls what would I have told him? I am in immortal danger? And the devils knocking down my door?

My life is too complicated to explain...

I sighed.

I should probably get some sleep. I'll need it for tomorrow.

Time Skip | The Next Day...

Today instead of going to Pop Tate's for breakfast I decided to make something at home.

I rather risk burning down my parent's mansion than running into jughead he's usually there in the mornings.

When I arrived at school looking around trying to avoid seeing jughead when I was immediately greeted by Kevin Keller.

“Jessica thank God your back you have no idea what drama you've missed out on!” He said dramatically.

I slightly smiled. I have to admit I missed the normal things in Riverdale...

Okay, Kevin let me know what have I missed?” I said unprepared for what he was about to say.

Kevin then took a deep breath as we started to walk.

“Alright, so when you were gone Veronica went on a date with Chuck Clayton who's on Riverdales Football League.”

He said as I nodded to show that I was paying attention to the story.

“So the next day After Veronica's date Chuck said he gave her a sticky maple.” He continued to talk but I stopped him by asking a question.

“Hold up, wait what in the world is a sticky maple?” I asked.

Kevin sighed.

“It's this out-of-date and total discussing thing that the football team uses to sl*t shame girls.” He clarified.

Slut shame? Seriously?!

I could feel myself starting to get upset about what happened.

“And they did this to Veronica? Where is she? Where is Betty?” I asked him with anger in my tone.

Suddenly, Kevin grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room.

“That's why I was looking for you.”

The room he brought me to turned out to be a student newspaper club. the one Betty wanted me to join.

“Jessica? When did you get back?” Betty asked.

“If you ask me it's been too long since I heard about what happened to Veronica is she okay where is she?” I questioned.

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