chapter, 24

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'The Verdict' PT. 1

Sabrina Spellman | Third Person.

After the previous night, it's safe to say that Sabrina was completely burnt out.

But the cruel reality was that she couldn't sleep, she only got two hours of rest before 4 am. It didn't help that she then had to go downstairs and face her aunt Zelda.

She walked to school with Harvey as usual. Anxiously thinking about when her cousin Jessica will arrive. Hopefully soon as possible.

When they finally arrived at the building, they walked down the hallway side by side as they were walking, they were joined by Ms. Wardwell.

"You'll never guess, what happened," She said.

"What's happening, Ms. Wardwell?" Harvey asked.

"Well, the young ladies of W-I-C-C-A, that's Wicca to you, Mr. Kinknle, are making their voices heard," Ms. Wardwell informed them.

As the three continued walking, they bumped into Roz and Susie, who were handing out blue fliers. Susie handed the couple a flier.

"Here's a list of books Baxter High doesn't want you to read! And they also happen to be great works of literature!" Roz exclaimed.

"You guys, when did you do this?" I asked.

"Last night," Susie answered.

"I mean, they're just books, you know?" Roz said.

"What are people so afraid of? That principle Hawthorne's gonna—"

Roz turned around and was met by Hawthorne himself. Roz cleared her throat.

"Ladies, about your claims," he began.

"You can't get someone in trouble for handing out flyers, sir," I said interrupting him.

"On the contrary, Miss Spellman,"

"I just wanted Miss Walker to know that I called the PTA and the school board about the bluest eye."

Roz had a look on her face that showed her obvious suspicion and disbelief.

"They are reviewing the matter," Hawthorne continued, "And will come back to me tomorrow with their thoughts. You're welcome, Miss Walker."

And with that, Hawthorne turned around and walked away, leaving the four teens questioning whether or they won or not.

It was unlike him to do something about it but maybe he's changed.

I thought. This made me feel a little guilty for sending all those spiders on him.


Later on, I was now in history class, writing down notes on the board, I looked away from the board for one moment before looking back up.


When Sabrina opened her eyes again, everything around her was blurry. The people were frozen, Sabrina being the only one able to move. When Sabrina looked in the doorway, she almost screamed.

There was a girl, surrounded by a pool of blood, whose throat had been slit, and yet she was still standing. The girl put a finger to her lips and then walked farther down the hallway.

Sabrina stood up out of her chair and walked into the hallway after the girl. She watched the girl walk down the hall and head toward the library, leaving a trail of bloody footprints behind her. The lights in the hallway started to flicker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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