chapter, 2

878 26 4

Witches in Riverdale

"Witches to rags."

Jessica Spellman.

On the way to Riverdale. It wasn't as long of a drive so I managed to make it before nightfall. In the cab, I could see the infamous 'Welcome to Riverdale sign the town of pep.'

I haven't been here since I was an infant so I didn't know that much about Riverdale but I'm a teenage witch. What's the worst thing that could happen? And as I live and breathe there he was 'Lucifer' or better known as the dark lord.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," I said sarcastically refusing to look away from the window.

"I just wanted to check up on you." He said well technically it wasn't him he was just possessing my driver just to talk to me. I signed annoyed. "What do you want Lucifer or should I call you dark lord." You said with a slight chuckle.

"Very funny." He said annoyed

If you're wondering how could you speak to him like this you wouldn't know he's been 'checking up on you' ever since your dark baptism. And from all the stories auntie Z told you he seems like a very evil person or spirit to be honest you didn't care you just got baptized because your aunties forced you to.

"Hey." He said snapping you back to reality.

"Ugh! Lets. Just get this over with what do you WANT." You said not in the mood for his antics.

And just like that he was gone you would say he left as soon as he came but if that were the case you wouldn't be so annoyed. Everything went on like it should post to be the drive felt sick for a bit so he stopped the car so he could get something you didn't mind since you know that being passed by the 'dark lord' or whatever must have been horrible. On the plus side, you got to stop at a local dinner named...Pop's as in pop tate's chocolate shop. your first thought was hot coco it's been a while since you got anything to eat and for you, that was a world record since you eat 24/7 and were never too full to eat more. You got out of the car but just before that the driver told you where he was going. You couldn't help but feel bad about the possession thing so you cast a protection spell on him to keep something like this from ever happening again and also to help him heal.

Jughead Jones.

It was a Sunday afternoon. I was at pop's as usual. But something happened and it got my attention or she got my attention. Another poor new girl looks around my age and she seemed to be saying something about the driver while he was walking away? It was weird but I quickly dismissed it and got back to writing my novel.

Jessica Spellman.

As I opened the door I heard a bell ring probably to tell people some has entered but that was obvious.

I took my time observing everyone and everything which wasn't hard since a few people were there. This one person caught my attention a raven-haired boy sitting in a booth next to the window he was typing away on his computer seems to be too focused to notice me staring. I went to the counter. "Hey." I greeted the man behind the counter. "Hey there." "You wouldn't have any grilled cheese sandwiches do you?" I asked him. "Yeah, we have; burgers, frize, coffee, hot coco, and milkshakes." I smiled this place has milkshakes. "Can I have two grilled cheese sandwiches and a cup of hot coco?" I asked politely. "Sure thing." He replied. I sat by the counter waiting for my order. I got my order. "Can I get a to-go bag with that?" I asked. "Sure." He put my order in a bag marked Pop Tate's chocolate shop. "That would be $3.99." I smiled and gladly handed him my money. "Keep the change," I said before leaving.

I opened the door leaving the diner. I took one more look back at the Neon sign. I glimpsed back to the seat the raven hair boy was sitting at. Our eyes met for just a few seconds before looking away. I smirked before walking back to the cab.



By Unidentified Weirdo: Till next time~

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