chapter, 20

151 7 2


'The Trial Of Spellman's'

Sabrina Spellman | 3rdPerson.

"Your Flesh Is Mortal, And At The End All Mortal Flesh Must

Sabrina immediately stood up and rushes outs of principal Hawthorne's office. Sabrina ran to the bathroom, locking herself in one of the nearest stalls.

Sabrina held her head above the toilet and threw up. She flushed the toilet and sat back on the floor. The dark lord's words were still ringing in her ear.

Sabrina got up and walked to the sinks. She then turned the handle and washed her face. When she looked up, someone was standing behind her.

"Ms. Wardwell!" Sabrina gasped.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. It's just I..." Ms. Wardwell paused as if she was trying to find the right words.

"It's just I saw you two fleeing principal Hawthorne's official, and- Oh that man, that man, that man, that man, did he say something just hideous to you?"

"Well- he... um," Sabrina mumbled.

Sabrina was at a loss for words or proper excuses.

"Want me to call your aunts?" see if they can come to pick you up, and take you home." Ms. Wardwll asked.

She put her hand under Sabrina's chin which made her feel uncomfortable.

"No, No, No, No, I'm fine," She started.

"I just feel a little lightheaded," Sabrina said while stepping back from Ms. Wardwell's grasp.

"Thank you, ms. Wardwell," Sabrina said, as she left the bathroom.

Sabrina left to go find her friends but she knew she couldn't to them about what happened to her. She couldn't talk to her family either... Well except for Jessica. Sabrina hoped she wasn't too busy... She'll just have to see when the day is over.


It was lunch, and Sabrina, Susie, and Harvey were sitting on the steps. Sabrina was next to Harvey.

The image of principal Hawthorne was still stuck in Sabrina's head. With his mouth foaming, his eyes leaking blood, and his deep and intimidating voice.

It wasn't until Harvey asked Sabrina if she was okay. That Sabrina snapped out of her trance.

Sabrina's first thought was about what she would even say. But she just couldn't respond luckily for her Roz came storming up to them.

"Great! There you guys are," she said.

"You will not believe the fascism afoot at Baxter High. So, I go to get my book assignment approved by mr. Garland, and you know what he says. No. Rejected. Because my book has been deemed problematic."

"Wait but the Bluest Eye is a classic," Harvey said.

"Exactly!" Roz exclaimed, "No one should get to decide what we can and can't read."

"Agreed," Harvey agreed.

"How can we help, Roz? No, how can Wicca help?" Susie asked.

"I mean, that's why our club exists," Susie continued, "We'll take the fight to Hawthorne. Right, Sabrina?"

Sabrina had a worried look on her face. As much as she would love to help, she was terrified to have to face principal Hawthorne again. But, she had an obligation to Wicca. To her friends.

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