Chapter 7 - oops

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(Tw: SEX! Ayyyy rewrite because my last attempt was just so bad lmao. Also TENSE CHANGE, don't arrest me.)

Y/n awoke to the sound of someone loudly knocking on her door, memories of last night's agreement came flooding back to her as she remembered what had been planned for the next few days, butterflies forming in her stomach as she opened her eyes to be greeted by a rather angry looking maid slamming clean clothes on to her bed.

"You better hurry up and get ready," the made said, crossing her arms and furrowing her eyebrows. "Master Diluc doesn't like to be kept waiting."

The lady slammed the door leaving y/n in a sense of panic, was she already running late? That wouldn't be a good start to the two day long trip she and the wine master were about to embark on.

After finally getting her act together, she quickly got dressed, brushed her teeth, and tied up her hair into two braids, grabbing her bag and leaving the room in a hurry.

Master Diluc was already waiting by the door, his arms folded over one another as he glared at y/n's door waiting for it to open. He wasn't wearing his usual outfit, today it was just a simple black shirt and black trousers, more suitable for traveling in.

"I see you've decided to join us then?" Diluc remarked, looking y/n up and down with his fiery red eyes. He walked over to her and began fixing her collar which she had accidentally left up turned.

Y/n didn't say anything, just looked down at her feet in an attempt to avoid eye contact with the tall man, however she was unsuccessful as Diluc placed his forfingers under y/ns chin lifting it up forcing her eyes to meet his still emotionless ones.

"Come on then, let's go." He grunted, and guided the smaller woman outside, towards a horse and cart which contained hundreds of boxes of wines and concoctions.

Y/n hopped in next to Diluc and their journey to Liyue began.


For the most part, it was quiet, everytime Y/N tried to make conversation with Diluc she was either turned down or given some blunt answer which would force the conversation to end. She thought about bringing up the kiss. But then decided against it as she didn't want to make things more awkward than they already were.

It wasn't until they reached the Wangshu Inn that Diluc finally gave into the pitiful attempts at conversation Y/n was making. She was amazed by her surroundings, after never leaving mondstad before, she had never seen such beautiful and delicate places, and that seemed to amuse Diluc. Watching this grown woman get excited about tree houses and ruins was a highly entertaining thing of course. Even though Diluc would never show that.

"So how come you made me come with you?" Y/n asked, giving in to her curiosity.

Diluc looked stunned for a moment, he took his eyes off the road and placed them on Y/n puzzled.

"Because you owed me a favour? Besides, Ernest screams everytime he sees a cyro slime." He shook his head.
Y/n giggled at the thought of Ernest screaming at such a harmless being. She was still however not convinced by his answer. It was a very intimate job after all, spending 48 hours in eachothers company. She erased her thoughts, perhaps she was reading too far into things.

"Cyro slimes? Really? Wait till he sees a whopperflower." She mocked, Diluc chuckled a little, tilting his head in agreement. Those whopperflowes were assholes. Especially the pyro ones. Y/n shuddered at the thought.


Nightfall lingered over the two voyagers heads and the stars glistened around them. It was already 10pm and they were approaching a large stone archway formed by two cliffs. Y/n, who had accidently fallen asleep on Dilucs shoulder was being tapped awake by the latter, causing her to jump a little at the shock, feeling slightly embarrassed that she had fallen asleep, and hoping she hadn't drooled on him or something.

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