Chapter 33

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I. can't. believe. Elsa.

She's getting lunch with Hans? There are so many things wrong with this situation that my head hurts. I stand with my back against the light post, watching the two of them eat and talk. I know Elsa is holding back, I can see it. There's something in her eyes that seems. . . distant. Like she was when we were first working together. But gradually that defensive wall went away, and she fell for me.

She can't fall for Hans. She just can't, I will literally go insane if I lose my girl to the man that has abused, lied to, and deceived her. He hurt her. That thought sends anger coursing through me.

I just watch her light blue eyes take in the scene apprehensively, the way she does when she's nervous or unsure of her surroundings. A soft smile forms on her lips and she nods to something Hans says, short words following close after. I miss her voice so much. I miss talking to her, hugging her, and just doing things with her.

The emotional pain has intensified to physical agony that is just too much to bare. I've never really been one to cry but that seems to be the only option. It feels like forever before they get up and make their way towards the door. Her eyes pass through me and my heart pounds despite the fact that I'm invisible.

Hans opens the door for her and I pull a face. "Wow, how chivalrous of you, Prince Douche." I say to no one in a mocking tone. Man, I have never hated anyone so much in my whole life.

"That was nice, Hans. Thank you." Elsa says to him as they pace away from cafe.

"See you later, princess." Hans flashes a grin before walking in the opposite direction- leaving Elsa to walk home alone.

There are so many things wrong with this.

1. He called her princess? No, that's what I call her.

2. He's just leaving her to walk home by herself in the cold (the cold doesn't bother her but still). Pitch is still after her to piss me off so I'll agree to work with him.

3. Hans is a jerk.

Well if he won't walk her home, then I will.

"Hi Els, how's it going? I see you finally left your room." I walk along beside her, hands in pockets and eyes glued on her. "I'm happy you seem to be feeling a little better. I'm not, but at least I can see you." I shrug as I ramble on. I notice the necklace I gave her latched on her neck and I smile softly. "I'm glad you got the necklace back, too. You have more use for it than I do."

"Jack," she whispers as we walk down the empty road and my heart beat speeds up. Can she see me? "I don't know if you're there, but I just want to tell you I miss you." She stops walking and wipes tears from her eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, darling." I mutter, smiling softly. "I will find a way for us to be together again."

And that's when two men come out of no where and attack her.

"No!" I cry out. She whimpers and falls to the ground as one pins her down and the other prepared to knock her unconscious. What the heck is Pitch trying to do? His game makes absolutely no sense and I want so desperately to be done playing it.

I slash ice shards through the air and to my surprise, they shove the men right off of her and send them flying into a brick wall. I don't hesitate to keep up my attack, hailing down on them with everything I have until they're unconscious. In all honesty, I don't think I've ever fought that hard in my whole life.

"Jack? Is that you?" She whispers. I turn towards her. "I can't see you, but I-I know you're here."

"I'm always here, Elsa. I'll always protect you."


I will edit this chapter later, please comment and vote:) xx


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