Chapter 47

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I sit in the corner of my cell, shivering and trembling. Pitch's coercion isn't strong enough on me. He keeps trying to brainwash me but it never works. I always somehow come back to my Jack self; but that only earns me more lashes and bruises. I fear what form of torture Black has for me today.

"Frost," A dark guard opens the door to my frozen cell. "Black would like a word with you."

I weakly stand up, trembling at the lack of food and water. The stab wound in my shoulder is pure agony, which also adds to the shaking. He pushes me through the labyrinth. We pass several other coerced workers on the way to Pitch's lair that I dread so much.

"Hello, Black Frost." My 'master' speaks to me with a grin. I don't say a word. "I hear the guards had to stab you. I'm truly sorry about that, but if you would stop turning back into your heroic self that wouldn't happen, now would it?" I still stand in silence, my head hung and my eyes shut. "Leave us," he tells the guard and the man obeys; but without him holding me up i crumple to the ground. "Stand up!" Pitch commands.

I force myself on my arms and struggle to lean weight on my aching limbs. Never have I felt any sort of pain or anguish this strong.

But Elsa got away. That's all that matters.

"We need a more. . . bold approach to fix your strong willed good side." he tells me. "I'm thinking torture isn't doing much seeing as we've whipped you, electrocuted you, starved you, and stabbed you. So what's our next move, Frost?" When I don't speak yet again, he jabs me in the side. "Speak, boy!"

"I don't know." I huff.

"See, the thing is: I need you to be on my side, Frost. I need you to know. Without your power I simply cannot carry out my plan of world domination. I would use Elsa but she's too. . . breakable. You could easily swoon her out of coercion."

"Don't talk about her." I growl, lifting my head long enough to flash a hard glare in his direction.

"Sorry, touchy subject." he says without even the slightest trace of sorrow. "Wait a minute; maybe that's what we need. A touchy subject." He pokes me in the chest.

"What," I plan on finishing the sentence but can't muster up the energy to.

"Mind games? Yes, I quite like that." He talks to himself. "Okay, Frost. We're going to mess with that pretty little head of yours." He places both his hands on my temples before sending me through a vision.

I awake in my room on my bed. I roll over to see Elsa next to me, but instead of seeing her sleeping soundly, I see a pale and eerily still girl. Blood trickles down her face and stains the sheets around her. A weapon is driven straight through her stomach.

I jump back, my back slamming into the wall. My face falls into my hands and I sink to the ground.

"Please make this stop." I whimper pathetically.

"How could you?" I look up to see Hiccup, his eyes glued to Elsa. "You let her die?"

"What?" I croak.

Rapunzel and Flynn walk through the door as well, followed by Merida, Astrid, Anna, and Elsa's aunt.

"This is all because of you. If you wouldn't have ignored Pitch's wishes, she'd be alive right now. He killed her because you were too weak to accept your duty." Rapunzel hisses at me.

"No," I huff. "you don't understand-"

"Oh, we understand plenty, Jackson." Her aunt says sharply. "You are a weak, worthless, pathetic joke of a hero. She would've been better off with Hans."

I jerk back to the present, Pitch grinning at me and my heart pounding.

"Your screams are pleasant." He grins. "Now let's try this again."


"Come at me," Max grins to me. For the past week we've been practicing with each other, preparing for the daunting battle ahead. Personally, I think we should attack now because each second we stay here is another second Jack (if he's even alive) is tortured.

"You want a duel?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah, let's go, little lady." He says, his accent curving his words. I glance to see Willow and James going back and forth with punches and dodges. For a computer nerd, James has got skill in combat.

"Alright then," I blow the hair from my forehead, damp from perspiration. "let's go, pretty boy." I taunt.

He and I duel for quite a while, all battles consisting of similar components. He'd blur past me, I'd fall over. I'd kick him in the chest and he'd double over in pain. When I'd try to pin him, he'd dash away and return only to knock me down then run away again.

It was actually really amusing and stress relieving. It feels good to hang out with people of my age again. I miss my friends. I miss Jack.

"You know what I realized?" I hear Willow speak between breaths of exhaustion as she continues to spar with James.

"What?" Max asks, helping me up from the ground.

"You know how we were deciding which Avenger each of us are?" She pauses to duck under James's blow. "We forgot about Hawkeye. I should just be him."

"I think I like Hulk better." Max chuckles and I laugh along.

"Elsa," Link swings the door open. "you might want to see this." he's out of breath and visibly anxious.

All of us rush out of the training room and follow Link to his office. My heart wrenches when I see a video of my Jack on the wall. He's standing next to Pitch Black.

I have to admit, a slight sense of relief fills my chest because last I saw him (a week ago), he was being pinned by dagger wielding men.

Link presses play on the video.

"Hello, my friends at MPA. We're delivering this message via video because Black Frost here has been a little fragile lately. I don't want him breaking again in front of all of you, especially my sweet Elsa. It's not a pretty sight." He chuckles. I gasp and stumble backwards, Max catching me and wrapping a secure arm around me.

Jack looks absolutely horrible. He's back to his dark self, but that's not the worst part. He's completely destroyed. Bruises, scars, and gashes all over his beautiful face and arms. He's a bit thinner and less full of life. He looks like a ghost.

I can't hold back tears. This sight is too much to bear.

"It's going to be alright, Elsa." Max tells me as I cry against his chest. Having his arms around me gives a little sense of comfort because it reminds me of the way Jack was. Was. The man I see on this video is a haunting shadow of that man.

"So, to make this message brief, I'll get straight to the point. No one is to make any attempt to stop me. If you do, I will kill everything and everyone any of you associate with." he smiles. "I'm a man of my word and don't doubt it. Do you have any words to say, Black Frost?"

"No, sir." And then the tears wage an even bigger war against my will to hold myself together. His voice is hollow and pain filled. I can hear the raspiness, due to countless hours of cries and screams.

And then the screen goes dark.

The room is silent except for my sobs until Link speaks up. "This is not the end." he says. "It is up to us to save the world. We ignore his empty threats and we power through. This is no longer a threat to our branch alone; this is a world wide predicament and we are the only ones that can rescue good."

I feel Max's heart beat slightly increase, as does mine. We are humanity's last hope. Max speaks the words on everyone's minds. "What are we doing standing around here, then? We've got a planet to save."

(Please ignore any spelling errors, I just wanted to update quickly because I deserve it to you guys! I'm so thankful for your support and loving comments. It really means a lot to have so many supporters and friends! Thank you all! Xx


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