Chapter 34

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"Hello?" I answer my phone.

"Elsa," Link's voice cracks through.

"Yeah?" I question. I try and force myself to focus but the thought of Jack being close has my mind fluttering beyond comprehension.

"Have you interacted with Frost at all?" He interrogates.

"I think so," I bite my lip.

"Well, get him over here. We have a possible solution." I hang up after he finishes speaking and slide my phone into my pocket.

"Jack," I begin talking to absolutely no one. What if he's not even here anymore and I'm talking to thin air? "I don't know if you're here but if you are, I need you to come with me." Almost immediately, snow begins to fall from the constantly gray sky. "I'll take that as a yes." I mutter.

I flip my furry coat hood over my head and stick my hands in my jacket pockets, pacing towards the MPA building swiftly. Upon my arrival, I'm greeted by dozens of other agents that suddenly seem to know who I am. Most ask how I am doing or how the mission is panning out but I hardly give more than one word answers.

"You're Elsa, right?" A girl speaks, walking along side me as I head toward the elevator. I nod, not much for conversation. "Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Willow."

"Pleasure's mine." I force a smile.

"Where's Jack?" Oh, that's why she's talking to me. She's another one of Jack's fangirls.

"He's right here, I think." I gesture to my side and she pulls a face. "He's invisible."

"Makes sense." she nods as we step through the doors and into the compartment.

"So, you guys are dating?" She questions almost apprehensively.

"Yeah." I smile softly.

"Oh," I can practically hear the envy and disappointment in her voice. I silently pray she doesn't carry on the conversation and my wish is granted. She doesn't say anything until I make my way out of the doors and towards his office.

"It was nice meeting you." I hear her call but I continue on through Link's doors.

"Agent White," He greets, Allen smiling at my entrance. "I hope Agent Frost is with you?"

"I hope so, too." I mumble.

"So, Allen has been running tests on your curse." Link gestures for him to continue. I've always admired Link's lack of gushy conversation and his rush to the important information.

"Pitch Black used an inhalant on you, so we presume he must have somehow used a similar curse on Jack. It's the only explanation on why you two both acquired a curse unknowingly. Also, we think that if we can cure you, you'll be able to see Jack and simplify the process to assist him back to normal health." Allen tells me.

"How do we cure me?" I question quickly and Link seems hesitant to answer. It's probably something dangerous, no doubt. He seems to value Jack's employment more than mine nowadays and I fear he's willing to do something borderline suicidal to get him back.


I stand with my back against the wall, watching the conversation unfold. I notice the way Link and Allen shift uncomfortably at Elsa's question. Why are they so apprehensive?

"We have to. . . drain your lungs, in a sense?" Link says slowly.

"How do we do that?" Elsa says at the same speed, fear gradually registering on her face.

"You have to suffocate entirely," Allen tells her and my pulse quickens.

"What?" She asks. "How can I save Jack if I'm dead?"

"You need to suffocate, but we will revive you. Allen has developed a serum to allow you to continue on living even after you've stopped breathing." Link explains and I stiffen.

"Are you kidding me?" I gasp, despite the fact that they can't hear me. "You've got be insane if you think I would allow this."

"You're sure it will work?" Elsa asks. She can't be serious. I can't let this happen.

"Yes." Link nods but Allen's face is unsure.

"When can we start?" She seems anxious. I know she misses me and I miss her but this isn't the way to solve this.

"Now, if it's what you wish." Allen speaks finally.

"It is." She breathes.

"Let's begin."


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