Chapter 2

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"Elsa," Link smiles and twists around in his chair, tapping the tip of his pen to his desk. "how was school?"

"Great," I lie and he laughs, causing his blue eyes to squint a little and his brilliantly white teeth to flash.

"That was genuine." he sarcastically comments.

"Well, there's this new guy at my school that's a total-" the door clicks open and I don't bother to turn around. But I should've.

"Jackson." Link grins his familiar greeting but my heart stops. Jackson. Jack.

"Elsa?" Jack says after registering my presence. What the heck?

"Why are you here?" I ask, not bothering to hide my hostility and distaste towards him.

"I work here now," he says as if it's obvious.

I look at Link who is stifling a laugh, amused at the sudden plot twist. This is how he always is; laughing at the most awkward times. You'd think that a mission leader like him would be proper and calm but he's a teenager practically. Well technically he's 26 but mentally he isn't.

"I should ask you the same question," Jack says.

"I work here too.."

"So you lied about the other job?" he grinned.

"Shut up," I sigh and look at Link who invites Jack to sit down next to me.

"You are our youngest agents, so we have a mission for both of you to accomplish" Link begins and my heart sinks. Whyyy? "There is some suspicious activity going on inside the walls of your school. We have reason to think that a teacher there is attempting to discover all of the gifted students and wishes to take their power, which includes you two."

"Wait, us two?" I emphasize.

"Yes, you're both... gifted with ice," Link shrugs as if it's obvious and Jack and I disbelievingly glance at each other. Maybe that's why he has like white hair and really light skin, like me.

"How should we go about this?" I speak slowly, trying to grasp this all. It's almost like having 50 pounds of snow thrown at you and you have to somehow manage to hold it in your arms, but also be prepared to carry more as it continues to fall.

"In order to keep suspicions down, you two will act as a couple-"

I cough shockingly. What?

"Are you alright, love?" Jack muses and I glare at him. "Wait, wait, what did you say? We have to act like we're dating?"

Link nods, his firm and somewhat amused emotion not wavering. There's no changing his mind. I sigh and rest my chin on my fist grudgingly. This is one mission I am absolutely dreading.


"No, you are both doing this. The teacher's name is Mr. Salvatore, now go." He said, waving us away. "Oh, one more thing-" he says before we walk out the door. "mission starts tomorrow. Make it believable; good luck." he smiles.



"Why are you so quiet?" Punzie asks me as we eat our lunch. She tunes out the other people at our table that call for her attention and focuses on me.

"I'm not," I lie. I really have been quiet the whole day, even through 1-4 period. I just don't even know what I'm doing. I haven't even heard of a Mr. Salvatore and I'm honestly somewhat anxious to see Jack. He's been the talk of the school even though it's only his second day. What are people going to think when they see me dating a guy I just met yesterday? I've turned down so many guys, telling them I don't want to date until I know someone really well- yet here I am, 'in love' with someone I just met.

"Yeah, you are." She replies. "What's up? You can tell me anything, you know that."

"I know," I bite my lip. I debate spilling everything to her, from secret missions to fake boyfriends, but I'm cut off by an unexpected feeling.

An arm wraps around me and I feel a kiss on my cheek. I look up to see Jack grinning at me before sitting down. I force a smile.

"Hey darling," he's super good at acting. Like really good. I almost believe that he likes me.

"Hey," I blush. On purpose...

"What. The. H-" I elbow Rapunzel before she can say more. She's going to kill me.

"Who are your friends?" he asks as he runs his fingers through his snowy hair. Looking closely, I can see the flakes of ice on his skin and decorating his jacket. So small you would have to be as close as I currently am to see them. He doesn't bother to leave any space between us at all, sending the message loud and clear.

"Merida, Rapunzel, Anna, Kristoff, Henna, Peter, Hyrule, and Jason." I introduce them and I can see the girls fawn over him a little. Part of me is a little happy that Jack is the one I'm paired with. At least he's attractive.. if only he didn't have a horrible personality.

"Nice to meet you," Meri's thick accent tangled her words and Jack smiles and nods a return greeting.

"You guys dating?" Peter asks boldly and we both nod in unison. Sick.

Before anyone can say anything, two jocks walk up to the table. Hiccup and Flynn. "Yo, Jack," they start. "you sitting with us today?"

"Maybe later. I'm going to hang with Els right now," Jack replies and they grin, raising their eye brows. Els? What, are we 12?

"Nice choice, bro. Hot one," Flynn whispers in his ear before parading off. I watch them saunter away, Rapunzel doing the same before turning to Jack.

"So, why did you transfer here, Jack?"

"Got bored of my old school." He replies, shrugging.

"Your parents just let you?" Kristoff asks in between bites of whatever the heck he and my sister are sharing. They've been dating for like a year now and are like 'the perfect couple', but judging by the looks Jack and I are receiving I fear that we're gaining that reputation instead.

"I, uh, don't have parents." Jack mutters and it suddenly strikes me that there's more to Jack than a careless screw up. When he said he promised his mother he'd get a job and I snapped at him, I didn't realize she'd left or died. I actually feel upset, almost, that he has to live like that. Then I remember I do, too. Anna and I live with my aunt but she's hardly around, but when she is she's like my best friend.

"I'm sorry to hear that, man." Hyrule inputs before he slides out his phone.

I lean into Jack and he keeps his arm secured around me like a real boyfriend would. This is weird.

"Oh, hey can you come to my locker real quick with me?" Punz asks me and I smile and nod.

"I was just about to head that way. I'll walk you," Jack says.

We start through the courtyard and down a few halls, talking about how crazy our literature teacher is, before reaching her locker. Jack checks in his (which happens to be right next to ours, Link's work no doubt.) before hugging me warmly and kissing my cheek.

"See you in 7th, love." he smiles before walking away, tilting his head down as he ruffled his fingers through it.

I look at Rapunzel and see her eyes wide and a huge grin. "Elsa!" she squeals, shaking me. "Since when? How? Why?" she claps. "It's so perfect, you guys are absolutely adorable together! Like everyone that walked by just stared at you guys," she rambles with a dreamy smile. "and he's so sweet to you and just plain hot. I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, Punz," I smile and laugh a little. "but you kind of called him.."

"I don't care! He's all yours, Elsa," she hugs me giddily. "plus I think he has hot friends too, so hook me up." she elbows me with a grin and I nod.

She grabs her books out of her locker and pulls out a jacket as well, sliding it on her shoulders before jumping at the ring of the bell. "It's third quarter and I'm still not used to the bell," she giggles and I agree. "I'll see you later!" she waves before heading to her 6th hour. I do as well, unsure of what mixed emotions I felt about what might happen in 7th hour.

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