Chapter 23

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(This chapter is soo short, sorry! I just want to give you a quick chapter because I've been so slow at updating! I've had a lot going on and I'm trying to balance out everything, so I apologize! I hope you enjoy this. xx


"Wait, so you and Elsa aren't dating?" Hiccup asks slowly as he attempts to grasp everything I just told him.

"No, no, we are. We weren't at first but we are now." I explain quickly, my heart still racing. How am I ever going to get her back?

"And you guys are both working for a secret agency as spies?"

"Yes!" I continue to pace his room. I open my mouth to say more when Hiccup's mom walks in the room. I force a smile to try and not seem so stressed but it's almost painful.

"Jack, how're you?" she asks with a grin.

I'm doing extremely horrible. My girlfriend was kidnapped by an evil demon-man and our boss won't do anything to help and I have no idea what I'm going to do. How about you?

"I'm doing great," I lie through my teeth. Hiccup flashes me a look of comfort but I'm not any more calm.

"Well I just need to tell Hiccup that he left his dog out in the backyard this morning." she says with a disapproving laugh. "He was freezing in this strange blizzard. Came out of no where, didn't it?" My fault. . .

"Yeah," Hiccup chuckles. "did you let Toothless inside?"

"I did. You should've seem him, chattering and covered in frost." She shakes her head. "You need to take better care of your dog, son." she teases before exiting the room.

"Anyway," Hiccup chuckles under his breath. "so you have no idea where Elsa is?"

"Not a clue." I say.

"What're you going to do?"

I sit in silence for a few moments when all of the sudden I hear something clink in my pocket. I shove my hand in it and pull something out, finding it to be the necklace I had given Elsa forever ago with the 'J' on it. She always wore this, how is it in my pocket?

"What's that?" Hiccup asks but I only stare. I reach back in my pocket and find a piece of paper. My heart sinks as I pull it out and find deep red writing sloppily marked all over the page. My breathing hitches as I process the words.

Dear little Frost,

I bet you've been wondering where your Elsa is, haven't you? Well I'm going to inform you that she is alive. For now. You know what I want from you, so if you're willing to give in, here's what you need to do: Break off all relationships with any acquaintances you've acquired, find me, then surrender. Simple, isn't it? This necklace should give you an idea of my whereabouts.
However, if you decide not to give in, I will make you regret it.

Choose wisely,
Pitch Black

I drop the letter and bolt from Hiccup's room, heading straight for the school.

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