Chapter 4

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I've been 'dating' Elsa for four days now and we've hardly picked up anything. Salvatore is hardly in his room, but when he is the door is locked and the lights are low. No matter how many times we knock, he won't answer

But Link doesn't care. He just says, "keep trying" and sends us off on our way. Hopefully today will be different.

I text Elsa quickly, asking her what she's doing.

"Hanging out with Astrid going prom dress shopping (thanks to you) . Why?"

Comes her sarcastic and sassy reply. I laugh to myself a little before replying. "I think it's time we take the next step." I say.

"What, you want to get married?!"

"No no no no no." I chuckle between typing. "In the mission not in our relationship!"

"Ohhh," she replies, then adds seconds later. "what do you have in mind?"

"Sneak in Salvatore's office." I tell her.

"Well I can't right now. I'm trying on a dress hold on..." I wait a few minutes before she texts me again.

"Can I see it?" I ask her, genuinely wanting to see her in the dress for some reason.

"No, not until prom, idiot" she says and I grin when she adds a winky face. I quickly wipe it off of my face and tell her to meet me at the school in 20 minutes.


"Astrid, that color looks brilliant on you." I compliment her. The dress is like a beautiful dark red and makes her normally tomboyish/hipster sort of look amazing.

"Thanks," she smiles. "and that dress on you.." she trails, her eyes wide in awe. "Elsa, that's gorgeous. That color of blue and everything is perfect." I wasn't sure about it until now. the see through sleeves and tight corset are a little out of my comfort zone but judging by Astrid's reaction I think it's the one.

"Thank you." I blush and giggle.

"I'm so excited now!" she bursts, hugging me giddily.

We buy the dresses and exit the shop, rushing to the car to escape the freezing air. I drop her off at her house and make my way to the school. When I arrive, I find Jack waiting out front. I pull into a parking spot and jump out.

"Finally," he sighs and I chuckle.

"You're impatient." I comment teasingly and he nudges me playfully. "So, what's the plan?"

"Break in." He shrugged as if it's a simple and easy task. "All the teachers are home, plus it's a Friday so they won't be coming to prepare for the lessons tomorrow. Pick the lock and we're in."

"Okay, but I don't know how to pick a lock." I say.

"That's okay. I do," he grins before parading over and inserting a few metal tools and twisting and turning them. I watch confusedly, unsure if any of it is working until it clicks open. "see? I've been trying to tell you, I'm pretty awesome." he smirks and I snicker. How did he learn that?

He opens the door. "After you, my lady," Jack grins and I shake my head, trying to conceal a chuckle.

"Thanks," I reply and we stalk through the dark empty hallways, unsure of what our break in might result in.

(Short chapter, sorry! I'm out of town this week (I know, I'm out of town a lot!) so updating may be a little slower than usual. THANKS FOR 1K READS! to celebrate, comment or message me your favorite part of Dark (or any of my other fanfics!) it would really make my day! Also you can comment any thoughts, questions, or predictions! thanks everyone :)


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