Chapter 7

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We walk through the main doors into the room in which everyone seemed to be packed in. A few stragglers stayed in the halls, and more outside as well.

Dances are weird.

My arm is locked with Jack's as he escorts me through the swaying crowd, ignoring the glances of those around us. Streamers and balloons decorate every square inch of this grand ballroom-like building, I swear. Flashing lights and fog machines make for a pretty display but a difficult obstacle.

"I need to find the bathroom real quick," I tell Jack in hopes of maybe speaking to a few students about Salvatore. If I'm forced here, might as well make use of my time.

"Okay, hurry back." he smiles to me and I nod before making my way out of the main room and down the hall. I talk to a few strangers who know nothing and I don't see any that seem to be lying, so I give up my quick investigation and start back towards the main room only to get cut off by a slightly familiar face.

"Hey there, pretty lady." the guy says with an intimidating grin and I step back instinctively.

"Hey," I mutter before trying to push past him, only to feel him block my way.

"Where are you going?" he asks as if he's amused.

"To find J-"

"That was more of a rhetorical question. I know you're going to look for Jackson." he darkly smirks.

"Who are you?" I ask hesitantly.

"You don't remember?" he cocks his head slightly. His golden gaze holds me in an uneasy captivity that I yearn to escape. I shake my head. "I'll give you a hint. It starts with an H."

Ohh, I remember him.

"I liked you sophomore year but you wouldn't date me. But we can look past that now," he grins charmingly before stepping dangerously close to me.

"Please stop," I mutter as I attempt to back up, only to find my back to the wall. If only I wasn't wearing a dress... I could totally take him down.

"You told me you didn't want to date until you knew me really well," each word feels like a knife being driven deeper and deeper into my chest. I'm actually scared right now. "yet pretty boy shows up and the rules change?" he scoffs. "Unless you're being forced into the relationship." He knowingly chuckles. How does he know that?

"It's not like that." I say through my teeth but he doesn't take it.

"It's okay, I can look past it, I already told you that. Just make it up to me." a horrifying glint crosses his intense eyes and my breathing hitches. I clench my eyes shut as he leans into me, attempting to kiss me. Pleading with him won't work, and fighting him won't either. I'm screwed.

I tense up as I feel his skin come in contact with mine.

But then something changes. my eyes squint open when I feel him being pulled from me. I see Hans stumbling backwards and someone standing protectively in front of me.


I was just walking around the corner to look for Elsa when I saw a random guy pinning her to a wall and like violating her personal space in every possible way.

I feel an unfamiliar rage burn inside of my chest and I bolt in between the two, shoving the fag off of her swiftly. My strength to pull off a quick and daring move like that came out of no where, seriously.

"Back off," I grunt at the guy who's eyes are wide with shock.

"What are you gonna do about it?" he attempts to gather up courage but I just shove him back again, causing him to shoot off down the vacant hallway.

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