Chapter 9

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I've literally done all of Hans' homework for the past three days because of his little threat.

Link has contacted us maybe once to tell is that he has no new information from the cops and that we may need to confront Salvatore soon.

Jack's skillfully avoided Hans at all costs and succeeded, while I on the other hand find him shadowing me most of the time. I'm going crazy.

"Hey Elsa," I turn and see Jack amidst the crowded school hallway. I smile and throw my arms around his neck. He locks his arms around me as well and I feel my heartbeat quicken by his touch. I swear he gives the best hugs. "I've got something for you." he whispers and I pull back a little.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Turn around." he says and I do as he requests. Seconds later, he pulls back my hair and I feel a chain loop around my neck. I glance down and find it to be a necklace with the letter 'J' on it. I look up at him and see the most amazing sort of smirk on his face.

"Jack," I sigh happily.

"Like it?" he tilts his head.

"I love it," I kiss him quickly. I just love him, too- and I tell him that.

"I love you more." he smiles, his brilliant eyes steadying on me as if there weren't dozens of other students brushing past us. His fingers trail down the side of my face slowly and my skin burns where his touches. Side effect of love, I suppose?

The bell rings and he kisses me again before stalking off to his car that Link is allowing him to use. I just stand there smiling while everyone evacuates to their cars or busses as well. I turn when I feel the presence of someone behind me and find Hans to be standing there.

"What a show." he chuckles. "I can't believe you're acting this all out." he casts a sinister glare at me.

"We aren't acting it out." I defend.

"Oh sure," he scoffs disbelievingly. "you think he really likes you?"

"Yes, actually I do." I say.

"And you like him?" he tilts his head.

"Yeah," I nod as if he's stupid.

"Forget him, Elsa. Date me instead."

"What?" I choke. "You're joking, right?"

"I'm not. You owe me, miss super spy. I know your secret, remember?" he steps closer to me and I step backwards.

"I will not date you ever." My eyebrows lower over my glaring eyes. I can't believe him at all right now. Maybe his blackmail is just an empty threat. Besides, who would actually believe him?

"You'll regret that." he says, stepping closer to me and actually attempting to kiss me. I take his hand in mine and yank him back, twist, and flip him to the ground forcefully. Before he has time to regain his balance I spin around and charge out the door and down the street. I don't look back, I just keep going.

I find my car and start up the engine, deciding to just drive for hours until I'm relieved of stress.



Out. Of. Gas.

Are you kidding me?

I have to walk home and it's getting dark out and I have no clue where I am.

Good job, Elsa.

I take out my phone and debate on texting Jack to see if he could pick me up but decide not to. I don't want to trouble him..

I start walking in the direction of my house just as I feel rain beginning to fall. I shudder and zip of my jacket, throwing the hood over my head.

Could this get any worse?

I find a familiar alleyway and begin making my way through it, cringing as the endless water fills up the divot in the concrete.

"Hey you!" I turn and see a dark figure cloaked in thunder and glowing with intimidation. I begin to walk again, but this time a little quicker. Whoever this guy is, I know he's bad news.

"Slow down, princess," Hans steps in front of me.

"Hans," I inhale, stepping backwards only to find myself with my back against the other guy.

"You rejected me. I told you that you'd regret it." he says to me before looking at the guy behind me and nodding quickly. "She's all yours." and with that he disappears into the damp and shadowed streets. I try and run but I feel a hand lock onto my arm and pull me back.

"You're coming with me, little girl."

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