Chapter 51

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"Elsa, run!" I yell to her.

"No, no, I'm not going to leave you!" She responds, huffing as she struggles to catch her breath. I can see the pain on her face, both mental and physical. Max's death is really taking its toll on her. I have to admit, I didn't enjoy the closeness they seemed to have but I don't dwell on it.

I shove my enemy to the ground and freeze his body before standing and placing both my hands on Elsa's shoulders. "Pitch is gone; all that's left is a few more of these bad guys and we're out of here for good. But you're too upset and need to go. You're not thinking clearly."

"Jack, I can't just leave you-"

"No." I say, temporarily looking away to knock out another advancing enemy with a swift wall of ice. "This is not up for discussion. Go!" I demand before continuing the battle. I'm relieved when I hear her flee the scene. I slash out several spears of cold, nailing three dark agents that chased after Elsa.

Two men, the last two of his coerced army, slowly creep towards me. I skirt around one and grab hold of the tail of his jacket. I tug it over his head, ensuring both his arms are still inside the sleeves before twisting them behind his back. Ignoring his cry of pain, I ram him into the other guy. They immediately crumple to the ground, joining the rest of Pitch's final troop.

It's done. Pitch Black's reign is over.

Mission impossible isn't so impossible, apparently.

"It's done," James' voice speaks through the ear piece I had inherited minutes ago.

"I'll get Max's body." Willow's strained voice mutters back after a long pause of shocked and relieved silence.

I break into a sprint after Elsa, turning along the path and cutting around the large tree. "Elsa, it's done!" I call out seconds before faltering at the worst sight I could possibly behold.

There comes a moment in everyone's life that you feel like all hope and happiness is lost. You realize that your happy ending maybe isn't so possible and that evil does win sometimes. Reality hits you like a wall and despair follows it with just as powerful of a blow, maybe even more so.

The sight I've come upon is simply the mere beginning of that moment for me.

Elsa is laying in a bloody mess, a sword driven straight through her stomach and pinning her to the ground.

Reality has just made it's attack.

"Elsa," I gasp, slowly making my way over to her. I'm apprehensive to see her up close. Even at a distance, the sight causes my heart to drop in a way I never imagined.

The moment I see her expression is the moment I feel the despair hit. I have no idea how long I just stare in unexplainable grief and shock. Willow and James speak through the device but I can't hear them over the anguish. Is she dead?

My heart lurches when she coughs, her eyes fluttering open only to instantly widen. "Jack," She gasps for air. "wha-what. . ."

"Elsa," I step closer, shoving back the forceful tears. The amount of regret and depression I feel makes me weak. i fall to my knees beside her.

"It hurts," She whimpers. I'm numb and speechless.

"I-I'll call 911." I stutter, fumbling for the phone in my pocket.

"911, what is your emergency?" I hear a voice after what feels like a lifetime. I take in a shaky breath, struggling to form a sentence.

"I'm with the MPA," I start, my hands trembling as I attempt to stay calm. "my-my partner is severely injured. I fear she may be. . ."

"You need medical assistance?" The voice returns.

"Y-yes." I say. "I've eliminated all threats in the area so it is clear."

"What is your location, sir?" She asks.

"I have no idea." I huff, watching her struggle. "Please hurry."

"Okay, I will track your phone and send the paramedics immediately." I hang up the phone before she says more.

"Elsa, darling," I huff, unsure of how to convey courage when all I feel is anguish. I can't describe how mind numbing it is to see a blade driven straight through your best friend. I keep thinking it's fake and I'll suddenly wake up to her sleeping in my arms soundly.

But I don't.

"Do you remember when we first met?" I attempt to distract her but this only makes my despair worse. "You hated me. You thought I was a jerk. The moment you found out we were going to be working together, I saw more distaste on your face than I've ever seen in my whole life." I continue, a block in my throat as I chuckle reminiscently. "But eventually you saw me for who I am. I somehow managed to earn your love after months, but to be honest I fell in love with you the second I saw you. That moment in the hallway at your locker when you were talking to Rapunzel on my first day of school. You were wearing that white dress and your hair was curled. You completely blew me off but blew me away at the same time. I needed you to be mine. . . I still do. You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me," I ramble on. "I can't lose my best girl."

"Jack," she croaks, the faintest trace of a smile on her abnormally pale face.

Flashing lights catch my vision and I look up to see the ambulance veer through the trees.

Several men jump out and rush to my side, speaking quickly. "How long has she been like this?"

"About 10 minutes, I think?" I tell them.

"Should we load her up?" A doctor asks.

"Yes, swiftly." the first one says. "I fear she hasn't got much time left." my heart drops for what feels like the 500th time today.

After a blur of a fiasco, they get her on a gurney and into the truck.

"Agent, will you notify your boss and request he reports to the hospital? He may want to hear what the doctors have to say about her condition." One asks me.

"I-I will." I nod, dialing Link's number as I jump in the back of the ambulance with them.

Elsa is completely numb and distant. The doctors tell me it's some sort of shock but I barely hear them.

"Agent Frost?"

"Link," I say. "Elsa. . . she was stabbed." I feel bad that every time I call Link it's just to deliver bad news. I can imagine how his heart sinks when my name lights up on his screen.

"What? Have you called an ambulance?" He asks quickly.

"Yes, we're on the way to the hospital."

"I'll take a jet so expect me in approximately 7 hours." He tells me before hanging up.

I do the same, my gaze fixed on spiritless Elsa. This is my fault. If it weren't for my ignorance, she'd be fine right now.

"Is she your partner?" A younger paramedic asks, sadness in his eyes.

"She's much more than my partner."

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