【𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈】

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This was probably the most amazing thing I've ever felt. I could feel the immense power of The Bifrost pulling me up into the endless universe and after a few seconds I could see the mesmerizing inside of it. 

,,Thor, what is she doing here?!", Siff yelled and put me out of my amazement. I was occupied with admiring what I had just experienced and totally forgot with whom I was there and most importantly that I wasn't supposed to be there.

After Thor understood what Siff meant and saw me, he said my name, but it sounded more like a question. But if he meant it as a question or not, all I needed to know was that he was pissed. Very pissed.

,,What in the Nine Realms are you doing here?", he asked. Without waiting for an answer he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. It might have been because he saw how lost I was and he was probably afraid that I would just fall out of the Bifrost and either die or land on a weird alien planet, where I would certainly die, too.

We weren't travelling for long, but long enough for me to feel dizzy. I closed my eyes and took in the feeling of somewhat flying and leaving earth. I must admit that I also enjoyed the feeling of being in the arms of a god.

,,You can open your eyes now, troublemaker." His deep voice interrupted my thoughts and I carefully opened my eyes.

I was in a big, round building, which I identified as the Bifrost. In the middle of it, there was the Sword, which I already heard of and right next to it was a tall man wearing golden armour. Heimdall.

,,Welcome back on Asgard. I  see you've brought a guest.", he welcomed Thor and his friends and then looked at me, which made me feel uncomfortable and nervous.

On Earth, aka Midgard, I was independent, bold, sometimes a bit too sarcastic and even if I was afraid, I would never show it. Here on Asgard, I felt tiny, weak, in the need of protection. But even now, surrounded by warriors, gods and whatever else there was, I would not show my fear. Instead I would raise my chin in defiance and pretend to be brave, smart and more than just the 'tiny girl', which was my nickname, given by the God of Thunder himself.

,,One could say so, but we don't have time for that now. Where is my brother, Heimdall?"

,,I fear, I don't know."

,,What do you mean? You can see him, can't you?"

,,He must have found a way to stay hidden from my sight."

Thor tightened his grip on his hammer and I could see his knuckles forming white. Then he looked at me and for the first time, I was afraid of him. His look was empty, as if he didn't know me and it was in this moment, that I reminded myself of who he was. He was a god, a prince, Thor Odinson. Son of Odin, the Allfather and I was just a human. 

He said my name in a cold, distant tone and I just looked at him.

,,You mu-"

A sudden, freezing pain ran through my body and I let out a short gasp.

I looked down at my body and saw an icy speer stuck between my ribs. 

When I turned my head to see what had attacked me, I widened my eyes and my legs started trembling. It was a giant creature with crimson eyes and sharp teeth. The icy speer literally came out of its hand.

,,Laufey! Let her go.", Thor threatened and spun his hammer.

The giant, which I identified now as Laufey, snickered and pulled his weapon out of my body, what made me cough and stumble forward. Fandral caught me and the next thing I know is that I was in his arms, head on his chest and blood coming out of my wound. 

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