【𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈】

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I fell asleep in Lokis arms, without even realizing it. I was still somewhere up in heaven, as my body felt heavy, soothed and safe. When I woke, I was resting my head on Lokis chest with his arms keeping me close to him. His eyes were still closed and his breathing was even and calm. I smiled and watched him sleep for quite a while until I decided to go into the bathroom. As soon as I moved my body and was about to leave the bed, Lokis grip tightened around me and he pulled me back into his arms. A wide smile decorated my face and it was then, that I saw what he had kept hidden from me and everyone all the time. Loki could be so caring, lovely and even cute. Mentally, I padded myself on the head for believing in the good in him, while I softly brushed out a few hairs that had fallen into his face. He exhaled deeper and I couldn't stop but to feel these annoying butterflies flying around inside of me. Loki slowly opened his eyes and smiled mischievously as he met my gaze. We were still naked, my body touching his and only a blanket protecting me from the cold. 

"Good morning, pet." He half-whispered. His voice was raspy and even deeper, which made the butterflies go crazy.

"Good morning." I replied, smiling softly. I used to get annoyed whenever he called me 'pet' but I grew to loving this nickname. Being someone's pet meant to be theirs, and theirs only. 

"How do you feel? Do you feel any pain?"

"Yes, but it's not bad. I like this kind of pain, actually." My legs and cunt were aching as soon as I moved but it was just a friendly reminder that the night with Loki was real and not just a dream of mine. 

"That's good, because sooner or later I will make you feel pain much worse than this." We laughed until something crossed my mind.

"What are we going to do next? You have your sword, Laevatin-"

"Laevateinn, my dear." He interrupted and had so supress a laughter, for I always mispronounced this complicated name. "Right, thank you. Anyway, now you have your sword, but what is your next step going to be?"

"Our next step is going to be to rule the Nine Realms and more." 


"Didn't you skip a few steps?" I chuckled.


"Well, then let's figure out our next steps together, if that's okay with you."

"Why wouldn't it be okay?"

"It was your plan and I kind of got into this, so I don't wanna ruin it, you know."

"You didn't 'kind of got into this'. I deliberately took you with me, remember? I need you to figure this out with me."

I smiled warmly and sat up straight on the bed with Lokis arm still around my waist.

"Well, then we better make this right. We've got one shot at this, so to which planet do we need to go next?"

"Asgard. I'm going to kill Odin, take the throne and repair the damage he and my brother have done."

"Are you sure you want to do this? There might be another way besides killing your father."

"He is not my father!" He growled and I jumped back the smallest inch out of reflex and surprise of this sudden outrage.

"I'm sorry, pet. But Odin is not my father and I'm going to kill him, whether you like it or not."

"Okay." I gave him a soft smile. "What happened to Midgard? Didn't you say that you want to rule that, too?"

He was a bit startled by me just accepting his intentions, while I carried on as if he hadn't told me that he would kill Odin, eventually, but he caught himself within seconds.

Alternatives // Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now