【𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐕】

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We stood there in silence, no one knowing what to say.

"So, when do we start?," I asked.

"Odin is still weak from the sleep he had fallen into. We shouldn't wait for too long." To our fortune, Frigga knew as good as everything about Odin and about what was going on in the palace.

"Is Thor still here or has he returned to Midgard?," Loki nearly scoffed.

"He is back on Midgard to be with Jane."

"Of course he is." The words left my lips without me being able to stop them.

"Trust me, dear, we will have much for fun," he replied with a wink and Frigga chuckled.

We were sitting in the dark room, making a plan on how to kill Odin Allfather and I couldn't believe that I was a part of this. I questioned if I should've felt bad for enjoying it but Lokis reassuring smile and Friggas loving, gentle eyes made me feel too good to feel guilty. 

I thought I belonged with Jane, Darcy, Erik and even Thor but now that I truly belonged somewhere, I realized that I was being used, just as Loki knew from the first second he saw me. When I was with them on Earth, I could never feel so free and laugh without having trouble showing my feelings but here and since I was with Loki, I came to get to know my true self and I got over my fears and worries. Here was where I belonged. And 'here' wasn't Asgard - it was at Lokis side.

Our plan was to distract the guards, which would be easy, given Friggas magic, confront Odin, threaten him with Laevateinn to give Loki back his powers and then kill him. Sounded easy, but we all knew it would be difficult. We had to count on Thor not returning.

We decided to sleep for the night and start in the early morning, so Frigga left and Loki and I laid down on the bed to get some rest.

"What if we fail?"

"We won't," Loki retorted in an instant. "And even if it won't go according to plan, I can improvise very well. All you have to do is to stay away from Odin. He will kill you if he sees you. You will stay with Frigga and no matter what happens you will not interfere, understood?"

I nodded with a sigh. I felt useless but I knew that Loki was right, I wouldn't stand a chance against any Asgardians, so I'm better off hiding. But isn't that exactly what I thought right before I helped Loki to kill Fenrir?

"What are we going to do after you succeeded?"

"Live, pet. I will be king of Asgard with you by my side, if you wish so. If not, I will bring you back to Midgard and you can return home."

"Midgard isn't my home anymore, Loki. You are."

He smiled warmly at me and kissed me softly, right before pulling me on top of him. This is how we cuddled and fell asleep, eventually. 

I woke up to Loki carefully leaving the bed.

"I'm sorry, dear, I didn't mean to wake you up, yet," He apologized after my eyes opened with a heavy sigh.

"It's fine," I mumbled, still feeling the heaviness of sleep, trying to keep my eyes from falling shut again.

"How are you feeling?" 

"Tired and a bit anxious," I rubbed my eyes and shuffled around, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Everything will be fine, I promise. Just stay out of trouble and I'll do the rest. We will have Odin and Asgard at our feet in no time and then I will make sure you finally live the life you deserve."

We went into the bathroom, got ready and sneaked out of Lokis rooms to meet Frigga. As planned, she waited in the dining room after she had made sure that Odin was sitting on his throne. Fortunately, Thor hadn't returned yet and couldn't interfere. Everything was going according to plan, so far.

I stayed with Frigga and in the meantime Loki managed to get into the throne room without being noticed. He had a huge disadvantage, for his magic was almost completely gone but his strength didn't depend on that. I knew he would win, for the God Of Mischief always got what he wanted.

Frigga created an illusion and led it into Odins field of sight. The illusion was a monstrous, tall frost giant and the guards instantly followed it down the hallway. I could see Odin, the Allfather, sitting on his throne with his head in his hands, wild, white hair and dark circles under his eyes. He really was weakened, just as Loki but the difference was that Loki had a purpose. He wanted revenge, justice and he was terribly angry and full of hate towards the king, whose place he would take soon, no matter the cost. 

There were still guards in the room, as we had expected, for they wouldn't leave Odin on his own, so Frigga had to do more than create an illusion. She nodded towards me, which was my sign to hide, and walked with the elegance and beauty of a queen to her husband. The guards left after a wave of her hand, saying that she wanted some time alone with him. I nervously chewed on my lower lip, ripping the skin off of it and mentally prayed for everything to go well. I spiked through a gap into the room and saw Frigga smiling at and talking to Odin, while Loki slowly got closer. His cold gaze was strictly upon the man he intended to kill without blinking or leaving the target, which reminded me of the way a predator observed its victim.

Suddenly Odin jumped up, the golden scepter in his hands pointing at him and a chuckle escaped his mouth. 

"My son."

"I am not your son," Loki spat out, now standing in front of him.

"You are right, that you are not, which is why the role as King of Asgard shall never be yours. So, why come back after destroying the Bifrost and killing an innocent mortal?"

"Well," Loki spread his arms with an amused look. "First of all, I did not destroy it, but your beloved prince, Thor, did. I simply used the chaos he had caused and secondly, as if you cared about the life of an useless Midgardian," he scoffed.

Odin shot a magical blast towards Loki with a growl, which wasn't as impressing and far away from as intimidating as Lokis growls, if I may mention, but Loki had no problem with evading it.

"Odin, stop!" Frigga stepped between the two, protecting Loki of the brutality of the King.

"Out of my way, or I will not show mercy towards you, Frigga. This is not your fight, so let me teach this mischievous scamp a lesson."

"Mother, I don't need your protection. Go," Loki demanded, but she would not obey. Odin shook his head in disappointment and got rid of her with punching her with his bare hands, which made her stumble and fall to the floor. Instantly her son reacted and attacked Odin, but he was faster and made Loki stay in place with his weapon. He looked down at Frigga, holding out a sword and said something to her I could not understand, for I desperately searched for anything for me to use to protect her and then myself. While Odin enjoyed the power he hold and talked to Frigga, preparing her for her death, I ran to a guard, who was standing there alone and without thinking I jumped, wrapping my legs around his neck. He was too startled to react, so he simply caught me, which helped me have more strength to bring him down. He chocked on my legs and after I made a certain movement we turned and were laying on the floor.  I took his sword and whispered an honestly meant "I'm sorry," before I stabbed him with his own weapon. Dark blood decorated the blade and I was seriously horrified but there was not time to realize what I had done. Instead, I ran as fast as I could and then I stood breathlessly over the on the floor laying Frigga, facing Odin Allfather, King of Asgard and protector of the Nine Realms, the blade of my sword on his throat.


Finally some action again! To be honest, I didn't like where the story was going but this chapter was so much fun to write and now I have more motivation again. I hope you share my excitement about this chapter and are as hyped for the next chapter as I am. 

I wanna thank everyone who actively reads this story and supports me with lovely comments and votes or simply by reading it. I really appreciate it! <3

Have a lovely day/evening/morning and hopefully see you in the next chapter! :D

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