【𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐕𝐈】

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"Who are you?", Odin asked obviously surprised. Lokis eyes were locked on me and I knew what he was thinking, as I had the exact same thoughts: I might have survived the last two times, but this time was different. 

"I'm the useless mortal.", I spit out at him. He caused the man I cared so deeply for such an immense amount of pain and I hated that I wasn't able to make him feel only half of it.

Amusement was visible on Odins face, which signalized him thinking the same. Yes, I was just a mortal without magic, superhuman strength or any source of power. Damn it, I didn't even have a suit. But I had to something to fight and possibly even die for and that was the difference between me and Odin. He would live forever without having someone to spend his immortality with and I would die soon enough, knowing I'll leave the man I love behind. It was unfair and not right and I would make this cruel man in front of me pay for not using the endless amount of lifetimes he had the way he should do it, while I had only a handful of them.

The sword was heavy in my hand but I did not tremble, nor did I lower it. It was facing his throat, the only part his golden armour didn't protect.

I heard Frigga shuffle under me right before Odin used his feet to keep her in place. His right hand, which held his weapon was still pointing at Loki. 

"You are such a foolish girl to think you could kill me. Look around you. I am the one at advantage here and I shall always be. Your precious Loki won't be able to save you, nor will this treacherous woman."

"I disagree."

His expression shifted to pure anger. How dare I disagree with Odin Allfather, right? A smirk formed on my lips and I lowered my sword.

"Hello, Father.", Loki hissed. 

The illusion of Loki that Odin believed to be real transformed into air and Laevateinns blade sliced the throat of the stumbled man from beside him, where Loki had left his hide-out.

Odin really was a fool to believe he could outplay the God Of Mischief and his mother. I must admit I paid my share as well.

Blood ran out of the wound and got spilled all over the floor as the king fell onto the floor right before his former throne. His eyes focused on Loki, his doom, and stayed there as they lost their colour and all  life left them. The king has fallen.

I just stood there taking the scenario in while Loki helped his mother back onto her feet and got pulled into a hug by her. It didn't pass much time before her gentle, warm hands touched my arm and invited me into their open arms. 

"Let me clean this up.", Frigga proposed and with a wave of her hand the mess in the throne room was gone. 

"Are you all right, Mother?" Loki was concerned. Our original plan was for Frigga to distract Odin and make him believe the illusion, Loki had used his last magic for to create, was the real one when the real Loki would use the ignorance of Odins, who thought himself inevitable, to drain him of the magic he had stolen from his son. Then Loki would kill him. Odin striking Frigga and wanting to kill her was nothing either one of us would have expected.

"You'll need more than an old fool like Odin to bring me down, my son.", she chuckled warmly.

Loki turned to face me.

"I wonder if you will ever start listening to me and don't get yourself into dangerous situations because my plan didn't work out.", he stated with a chuckle.

"Well, you said you were good at improvising, but so am I."

I felt the exhaustion creeping in, thinking it was only because of the rough time we had.

If only I knew...

꧁༺__________________________ ༻꧂

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. 

The curtains of the room were down, the walls were dark and decorated by many bookshelves with ancient looking books on it. The blanket covering me up was green, as was the T-Shirt of the person laying next to me.

"Loki.", I whispered, my voice still weak from sleeping.

"Good afternoon, darling." Loki put the book he presumably had been reading down and shifted his focus on me and me only.

"How are you feeling? You were knocked out for some time.", he explained.

"I...I don't really know...I think I feel great, actually. Wait- Afternoon?"

Loki chuckled. "Yes. As I said, you were gone for quite some time."


"Your body needed to adjust to it."

"To what?"

"The immortality."


Immortality used to be something I thought about and then never cared about ever again. To live forever. Did I want that? Before meeting Loki my answer would've been No. But once again, Loki made the impossible possible. 

It turned out that Frigga had created a spell right when Loki ended Odins life to start mine. Forever. I got the immortality Odin didn't deserve and suddenly life wasn't so unfair anymore.

I would forever be with Loki, King of Asgard and the Nine Realms, God Of Mischief and my kidnapper, that I've grown to love so much that no even eternity with him seemed like enough.


I don't know what to say, actually.

I started writing this story almost a year ago and to reread my creation and finish it was more emotional than I would've thought. Turns out this story means a lot to me, as does your support. Seeing that some of you still care about this even though I was absent for so long, thinking y'all have forgotten about me and what I wrote really made me happy. 

I don't want this story to end, but I did everything I wanted to do and felt like this was a good time to end it. I'm not entirely satisfied with the ending, but I hope it's enough to give you the happy end you wanted. 

Once again: Thank you so so so much for reading this and taking a part of my imagination with you. It means the world to me. Reading your comments every once in a while is such a beautiful thing to do. <3

If you haven't seen it already, I have started writing a new Loki Fan-Fiction and I'm really excited to continue working on it. If you want to, check it out! :D

And now it's time to say Goodbye to Alternatives. This story is more than a story to me because some of the quotes have a deeper meaning than you might've thought. 

To reference to my name: This story was just me coping and thank you all again for being a part of it. I love y'all <3

PS: Of course you can always reread this story and let me know about that in the comments. I'm always so happy to see known readers again ;)

Alternatives // Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now