【𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐈𝐕】

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I recognized the big, round room from my first visit here on Asgard. Loki and I were still holding hands and he used that to pull me out of sight from an Asgardian. He observed everything from our hidden place for a few moments while I waited.

"Heimdall is at the entry and he will see us if we go through that one," He whispered. 

"What are we going to do, then?," I asked, my anxiety making itself known. I was a mortal on a planet with gods everywhere. How was I supposed to stay hidden?

"Stay calm. There's another way. Can you climb?"

I opened my mouth to answer but I was too perplex and overwhelmed, so without waiting for me to collect myself Loki threw me over his shoulder and crawled through a little hole in the wall. I gasped as I looked down. We were standing on a cliff with wild water on the ground. If I felt down there, I'd be dead.

"Close your eyes," Loki whispered. "I need you to stay calm, so close your eyes and trust me."

I nodded and let my eyes fell closed. I concentrated on gripping Lokis shoulder so that I won't fall and thought about last night. It distracted me perfectly well and within what felt like seconds I opened my eyes, standing in the middle of Asgard. He let me down and I looked up into the beautiful sky. Asgard was truly magnificent. Sadly, there was no time to admire its beauty, so the two of us sneaked through the crowds of elegantly dressed habitants and managed to stay unnoticed. Loki couldn't conceal us, for he was weakened from the fight against Fenrir and the travel through the cosmos. He led me into the palace and it honestly didn't surprise me that Loki knew every hidden corridor. Without any difficulties, we entered his room, where suspiciously many secret passages led to. 

It was obvious that Loki was a prince, given the luxury of the room and yet Loki kept it in his own style. Dark walls, green sheets, many books, and lonely, somehow even empty. Approximately, Loki did not have visitors often. The curtains were down, which made the room stay dark and seem forgotten, as if nobody had entered it in a long time.

"We can stay here for a bit if we stay quiet. Nobody enters my rooms."

"Why? Don't they clean it?"

"They don't dare entering my room," He laughed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Once, the servants came here daily, but I made it abundantly clear that I do not wish to be disturbed. Secretly training and becoming the God of Mischief isn't something they should see to run and tell Odin about," His facial expressions changed and I could see the pain lingering behind the mask he put on. "Given that even in my absence nobody comes in here, we're safe for now and can rest."

He laid down in he bed, leaving his eyes open and watched me as I walked through his room, trying to find out more about him. I stopped at a bookshelf. "May I?" I asked and as Loki nodded, I chose a book and settled next to him on the bed. It was written in runes, which I unfortunately couldn't read, so I analysed the pictures instead. There was a big tree and each of its branches led to a different planet. I was able to understand some of the runes and figured that these planets were the Nine Realms. I remembered the conversation I had with Thor about Yggdrasil and got nostalgic. I missed him. To distract myself, I continued trying to translate the runes but I couldn't stop one tear from dropping onto my chest.

"Pet?" Lokis gaze was heavy upon me, as he tried to read me.

"I'm fine. Just exhausted." I  quickly blinked the other tears away and put on a more or less reassuring smile.

"Don't lie to me. What is it?"

With a sigh, my eyes met his and I realized it was impossible to lie to him. "The book. It remembered me of a moment I had with Thor on Ear- Midgard. He promised to explain The Nine Realms to me, besides showing me Asgard. And now I'm probably a few rooms away from him, knowing that he presumably thinks me dead and doesn't care.  It hurts believing one thing and then learning it's all a fiction."

"I know," He put one arm around me and I rested my head on his chest, while he played with my hair. "I wish I could free you of your pain but only you can do so by becoming aware of the power you truly hold. You are the smartest, strongest and doubtlessly bravest Midgardian I have ever met in my many decades of existing. But you really are a fool to believe your life and happiness depends on them. Without them, you aren't bound anymore. You can survive without them, but without you, they are lost."

"You really think so?"

"No. I know it, because I've seen it. When I sent the Destroyer to New Mexico I saw you for the first time. You stood up against Siff, although you very much knew you wouldn't stand a chance against her in a fight. You jumped into the Bifrost, not knowing what to expect and you weren't even afraid of confronting me, whenever you thought I was wrong. You joke, when everyone else would cry and you fight,  when everyone else would either die or run away, so no, you don't need them."

"Thank you, Loki," I said smiling and kissed him slowly, showing him my gratitude through the softness of our kiss, as my lips brushed his. 

"It's good to have you back, my son. And I see you've brought a guest," a female voice said happily and I winced. Lokis body instantly tensed and we turned around to see the owner of the voice.

"Mother?" He exhaled deeply and the tension loosened as he stood up and hugged the woman. I didn't know what to do, but I certainly was able to calculate that this woman was Frigga, Queen of Asgard and Lokis mother. I stood up and bowed before her.

"Please, my dear," She shook her head with a gentle smile and came closer to me, pulling me in for a hug. "What is your name?"

As I answered with a insecure smile, she took my hand and her thumb drew small circles on them palm of it. 

"There's no need to feel insecure, my love. I know who you are and- " She leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I know that my son cares about you." 

"Wha- How?"

"Where do you think Loki has his talent for magic from, huh?" She joked.

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Loki joined the conversation.

"After you took her and disappeared, I knew you had a plan and I knew exactly where to find you. I used my magic to observe you, like Heimdall but in a weaker version. I could not ask him, for he works for Odin and not for me. I saw you two and I know what your intentions are, Loki."

Lokis lips parted, revealing the disappointment, as his plan failed, but Frigga took his face in her hands with the same loving smile on her lips.

"I won't stop you. Actually, I'm willing to help you"

"What? Mother, you are aware that I'm going to kill Odin, aren't you?"

She nodded.


Well, don't we all love Frigga? 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are as excited as I am to see where this is going. This is a short chapter again, for I'm currently on a Marvel-Marathon and I don't want to waste anytime, lmao

Although this is of course not a waste of time ;)

Don't forget to vote and feel free to leave a comment. 

Do you think Frigga is truly on Lokis side or is it just a scheme? 

Have a nice day and if you're on your vacation right now, enjoy every single second of it! <3

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