Author's Note: Surprise, there's more!

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Warnings: None really since this an author's note, but there is language mentions of mental illness and struggles

Well, hello there. It's been quite some time, hasn't it? Over a year and a half since I posted the last oneshot, and two years to the day since I posted the first. Let's just say a lot has changed over that time.

I started these fics as a way to cope with mental struggles that I couldn't even put a name to at the time. It was wholly self-indulgent, and I used the characters as puppets to play the parts that even I couldn't play, most especially the parts with happy endings. Hell, one part wasn't even fully my idea, which many of you cleverly picked up on (looking at you, Loki's evil rating in the first chapter). 

Posting these was an impulse decision, which is something that I often struggle to do. Little did I know then that making that decision would impact me the way it did. I never in a million years expected this to pick up like it did. Now we're here, nearing 50K reads and 1K votes. I hoped that I would be able to help a few to understand that they weren't alone with what they struggled with, but it's been hundreds. That's crazy! I don't know what to say except thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the kind words and concern many of you have shared. To the silent readers, even if you don't speak, the fact that this has reached you is more than enough.

On a personal note, to those who have expressed concern, I'd like to answer a few of your questions. Yes, I have struggled with these issues. Though I've never gone quite as far as shown in the fics, I do know people who have struggled with that, and I've brought those experiences here. When I was writing the oneshots in the middle of this collection, things were really bad for me. Now, things are a bit better. I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and I'm being treated for both. It's difficult, and sometimes everything feels like it's working against me, but please do remember there's always something good. Over quarantine, things have gotten especially bad, but a lot of good has come out of it to. I'm happy to say that I've figured out bits and pieces of myself that I wasn't able to express before, like my gender and sexuality. Still, I know things have been really bad over the last year. To those who are struggling, things get better, I promise. The road to recovery is long and really, really difficult, but looking back, you'll be glad you got through it. I can't guarantee that everything will right itself, but taking the first tiny step in the right direction can shift things to start to get better little by little. No matter what that step is, whether it be taking a step back from the ledge, putting down the knife, giving yourself some amount to eat, or indulging in something you enjoy without feeling guilty, that first step can be the beginning of something better. If you need a sign, this is your sign. Be happy, indulge yourself, and let yourself enjoy things. It can do a lot more than you think.

With the personal note over, let's move on.

Since I first started writing this collection, my writing has changed a lot. Fics got longer and grew up a bit as I did. I explored dark topics, and sometimes those dark topics didn't have a happy ending. When I write now, that is still the case sometimes. Unfortunately, that's just how it is sometimes. Another thing I noticed was that it took longer for me to get to the point in a story, which is now the case here in this author's note. To the point we go!

Being that this is the two year anniversary of the first published piece of this and the nearness to certain milestones, I will be adding six more parts! I swear, that isn't because it annoys me that I left it on the very uneven thirty-three parts (ok, maybe that's a lie. It really annoys me). I have a strong connection to this character and the story, and I have more to say. New content has sparked a new interest, even if I am a bit skeptical of where it's going. And I want to see if I can do better. Don't get me wrong, previous stories were unique in their perspective, but I can say more now just because I know more. I have more stories to tell about other issues, such as sexuality and gender struggles (hint, hint!). I just have more to say, and I'd like to share it. That being said, if you would like to present an issue that you would like me to write about, please do comment! I can't guarantee anything, but I can put in a good word to the author (oh wait, that's me). I will do the best I can to write about it in an authentic way, but I'm open to criticism on the subject.

There are a few other changes happening as well. This will be getting a new cover next week. I hope you like it. The story will be marked as incomplete until I do finish those last six stories, and then it will be complete for good (probably). Last change is the update schedule. Previously, it was Tuesdays and Thursdays. It will now be on Sundays.

If you get a little antsy waiting, please feel free to see what I have elsewhere! On Tumblr, you can find me at "strugglingispointless" where I never actually say anything original but reblog some pretty funny stuff. On Archive of Our Own, you can find me with the same username as here (RipplingReader). So far, I've only uploaded two things for Sanders Sides, but I'm hoping to become more active there in the future. Finally, on Instagram, you can find me at "strugglingispointless" yet again. I'm pretty sure I've only posted pretty pictures, so if that's your cup of tea, check that of it you're so inclined. I cannot guarantee how active I will be here after finishing this up, but feel free to send me a message anywhere (as long as it's appropriate and all that. I am a minor). Tell me that you're coming from here, and I'll be glad to talk!

I think that's all, folks! Let me say one last time just how grateful I am for your support in reading this, commenting, and voting. It means the world to me. I hope you enjoy these extra additions. Until next week, stay safe, stay healthy, and as always, have a great rest of your day!


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