Bad Days--Peter and Tony

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Warnings: Self-hate and...dare I say it--fluff!

Peter's P.O.V.

For me, there were good days, and there were bad days. I was good about hiding my feelings, generally hiding out in my room until I felt better. It usually went pretty quickly, when I had time to myself.

May had come to accept my bad days, and she'd wait them out. She knew what to bring and what to say, but most of all, she knew that I wanted to be alone. It was like an illness--I could fight it, but it just took time.

Today was one of those days. May was at work, and it was a school morning. I had to go to school soon, yet I couldn't find the motivation to get out of bed. It was over something stupid too--that Mister Stark would only ever see me as some kid despite my powers. I feared that he'd only ever put me on patrol, or even worse, take away my suit forever. It was my therapy, my way to escape the bullying. The internship and the hero work was the best part of my day--I couldn't stand the idea of not having it. It would be how it used to be--only the bullies and being here.

I knew Mister Stark didn't listen to my calls--I mean, why would he--but all I wanted was to call him. I wanted to be close to him. He was my hero, taking me out of Queens to fight the Avengers! Now he just ignored me. To a high school kid who was bullied, it hurt, I won't lie. I'd actually thought I was important! Funny, because all I'd ever be was Peter Penis Parker, the nerd.

I stared at the phone in my hand, gazing at the dial screen. Mister Stark's number was already in, glaring at me, taunting me. My finger hovered over the call button, but I couldn't press it. It would go to voicemail, and he wouldn't listen anyway.

I let my arm fall back to the bed, shutting off the phone. I stared at the ceiling, counting the cracks like I always did on bad days. I groaned; why did it have to be a school day? Why couldn't I stay at home? I knew I had multiple tests today--it was test week--and I wouldn't do me good to miss them, but my body wouldn't move.

What to do? I had to pull myself together. I'd already flumped my way through school yesterday in a state of numbness and not wanting to talk. Somehow, no one had noticed anything was wrong. Not that they were looking anyway, but I wished that Ned or Michelle would have noticed.

Before I knew it, my phone was in my hand again, and I was pressing the green call button. I sighed and put it to my ear, listening to the familiar rings. I counted them like always, knowing that I had only rings left to be spared the humiliation of bothering Mister Stark again. At the very last ring, it stopped, and I internally groaned.

"What do you need, kid? It's like six in the morning." Mister Stark sounded exhausted like he'd been up all night again.

"I'm sorry, Mister Stark. I'm having a bad day, and I don't want to go to school, but I have tests this week, and I can't miss them."

"Woah, woah, slow down, kiddo. What's going on?"

"I don't know, Mister Stark. I just...I feel really numb and sad, and I don't know why. I'm sorry I called, it was stupid."

"No, no, it wasn't, kid. I understand. I'll call the school, and how about you come over here for the day? We can work on upgrades for your suit. How's that sound?"

"Mister Stark, I don't know what to say. Thank you!"

"Don't mention it, kid. I have bad days too." He hung up, and I smiled. But it slid off quickly. It's just because he pities you, I thought. Just the poor kid who has no parents. Like that, I was slipping and sliding, falling back to my numbing sadness. Only this time, it was worse. I couldn't see the light. I didn't want to move. Yet somehow, I managed to drag myself out of bed. I didn't bother to pack any new clothes, just sliding into my suit and throwing my pajamas in a bag.

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