Pride Isn't a Sin--Peter and Tony

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Warnings: Language, both internalized and external homophobia, May is a bit unsympathetic.

Peter has always stood out. Outstanding academics, shocking backstory, outlandish powers, wild night-doings...the list goes on. So really, what's the issue with adding one more to the list?

In comparison to the other things that set him apart, this is minuscule. Personally world-shaking, but it's nothing in the grand scheme of things. Still, he can't help the sense of shame that sinks over him in being different for another reason.

He never asked to be different. The universe just took a big look around and decided that he would be the perfect one to fiddle with.

It's an earth-shaking revelation that rocks him more than it should.

Peter Parker is bisexual.

He doesn't know what to do with this information.


Okay, so maybe he should have realized it sooner. The thing is, he didn't even know it was a thing. He'd gone his whole childhood imagining himself as being the prince in a children's movie, destined to save some damsel and live happily ever after. He was content to be knight riding far and wide on dangerous quests to win a fair lady's heart.

It's in middle school Peter finds out there's another option. He heard down the grapevine that someone-so had broken up with someone-so because the former is gay. He doesn't understand. Doesn't understand what it means, doesn't understand why it's so important, and definitely doesn't understand why it's the subject of laughter whenever the kid walks down the hall.

In the nerdiest way possible, he learns.

He shoves himself into the library after wrenching himself free from the throng of people rushing to get out of the school building. Looking around suspiciously, he creeps toward one of the bookshelves where a dictionary rests open. Flipping through it quickly, he finds the words he's looking for, at the bottom of the list of definitions for the word.

Gay, n.

Someone who is sexually attracted to persons of the same sex

Peter files this information away for later and makes his escape before May realizes he's late.


Peter doesn't think he's gay. He likes girls plenty. Besides, if the things he hears to be believed, being gay is bad and gross and nasty.

Since his little trip to the library, Peter isn't quite sure what to think. If this is a thing, why hasn't he heard of it? Why doesn't it show up anywhere?

Still, as time passes, he finds much more important things to worry about. His grades must be perfect, and he has many other responsibilities, so he sticks to those. Clearly, this gay stuff doesn't affect him at all, so he's content to ignore it.


There are rainbows in the street.

There are rainbows in the street, and people are yelling, and laughing, and chanting. Peter has absolutely no idea what to make of it. What are they doing?

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