Babysitter--Loki and Peter

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Warnings: None really but lack of sleep I guess? (Does that count as a warning?)

The night was young, young enough that Peter Parker could slip into his room undetected and change before the inquisition that his aunt would set upon him. He could just play it off as finishing a project. Maybe I can actually sleep tonight, he thought. He yawned. Maybe the thugs could wait until I get a good night's rest. When was the last time I slept? Two days ago? Yeah, that's right. He changed into his pajamas, flicked off his main lights, and switched on his bedside lamp. He climbed in bed, grabbing his book.

He'd barely opened the book when the alarms started going off below. He sighed, putting the book away. Standing up, Peter crossed the room to his dresser, reaching in to grab the Spider-Man outfit.

"You know, it's not healthy for a teenage kid to not sleep for two days." Peter whirled around, letting out a high-pitched scream that was muffled by the intruder's hand across his mouth. Peter licked it, and the hand was snatched away. "Okay, that was uncalled for." Peter cocked his head to the side, trying to pinpoint where he knew the voice from. The intruder stepped into the light, and Peter backed away, prompting a sigh from the God of Mischief. He got into a battle stance, having heard enough from Tony and the others about the lies that Loki spoke every time he opened his mouth.

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice shaking despite his attempts to not make it so. I'm not ready to face a god yet!

The God of Mischief sighed and gestured to the bed. "I'm not fighting you, Peter, now sit." The boy obliged and sat down across from the god who had taken his swivel chair.

"If you're not fighting me, what are you here for?"

"Stark sent--well, threatened--me here to watch you and make sure that you don't go fight. So, I'm stuck here babysitting you. He wants you to sleep because you have finals tomorrow." Wait, I have finals tomorrow? "Really don't understand why considering that you seem responsible enough."

"But aren't you a bad guy?"

"I prefer misunderstood, but whatever you want, kid."

"So, on a scale of one to ten with ten being taking over the whole world, what would you say you're at?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Probably a three." Well, that's better than a ten.

"Would you mind warning me if it gets to a six?" Loki smirked.

"Yup." They sat in silence as the alarms down below continued to blare and the sounds of fighting were heard.

"I wish they didn't think I was just a kid. I can help! I have powers too. Do they think I'm stupid?" Peter blurted. Loki looked at the boy with sympathy, understanding him all too well.

"I think it's more that they want you safe. Gotta admit, kid, the webs are pretty cool," Loki said, knowing it was better to change the subject than stay on the topic about being good enough. Loki didn't think Peter needed that on that night. Peter perked up.


"I mean like they're not as cool as my powers, but for a kid who hasn't had his first century yet, they're pretty good." The silence fell again like a blanket.

"For the record, you don't seem that bad. More of a one than a three."

"Don't underestimate me, kid, I could like totally stab you right now."

"I'm too fast for you. You could be in a web right now."

"Touché." And despite himself, Loki grinned, feeling finally as if someone he could trust was in his life, despite his past, despite everything.

Loki stuck out his hand, and Peter took it warily. "Loki."

Peter returned his smile. "Peter, and thank you." The last part was barely a whisper, but the keen ears of the God of Mischief didn't miss it.

"I know what it's like to be second best," Loki muttered and felt the boy squeeze his hand. "Everyone needs a pep talk once in a while."

"Even the great Loki?"

"Yes, even the great Loki."

"I'll be there for you too." Peter met Loki's eyes and saw the pain that they held and made himself a promise. Yes, he'd be there when he needed him.

The boy embraced the god, and after only a moment's hesitation, the god wrapped his arms around the boy and held him close, for once accepting the hug. He'd said it himself--everyone needed a pep talk once in a while, and he wanted to be there for this boy, this boy who reminded him of himself. He would be there because he knew what it was like to be second best; he would be there where no one had been for him.

I hope you enjoyed this first part. I have no idea if this coincides with the MCU. I started these when I hadn't seen many of the movies. However, later on, there are Endgame spoilers. I'd like to mention once more that this book will have triggering things in it. I will leave warnings, however, I may miss something. I've based most of this off my own personal feelings and applied it to a larger spectrum, so things may not be completely accurate. Also, there are not many ships in here besides Peterxreader. Everything else is purely platonic. As for updates, they'll be Tuesdays and Thursdays as long as something doesn't come up. Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a good day!

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