Deserving a Happy Ending--Peter and the Avengers

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Warnings: Language, rough-housing and playful fighting, mentions of death, food mention, boats, insecurity, and nausea mention. (I swear it's fluffy, really.)

Pairing: Sam x Bucky (open to interpretation. You can read it platonic or romantic.)

Note: This is set to take place after everything is over, whenever that will be. It doesn't have every character because I really don't know who will die or anything. It does have like two spoilers for The Falcon & The Winter Soldier but only if you squint. Onward!

"Oh, hell no!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Bullshit. You think you can come in here and take my victory from me? You will pay, mark my words."

"Please, have mercy!" Peter screams, even as he's aggressively smacked with a pillow. "It's not my fault you suck at Mario Kart."

Sam lets loose a guttural screech. "Take that back!"

"Never," Peter says, face disappearing beneath the pillow.

"Fear not, young spider, I've got him," Thor says, muffled to Peter's ears that are being smothered beneath the pillow. Peter hears a muffled thwak, and Sam falls away, taking the pillow with him. Peter emerges to absolute chaos, the superheroes armed with pillows and armored in various fluffy and punny pajamas.

Taking up an offensive stance, Peter catches the pillow Bucky tosses to him. Surveying his team, Peter grins at their opponents. Shuri's holding two pillows, bouncing on her heels. Carol has a few throw pillows with various homely quotes that Peter is worried he'll get too familiar with when he's hit in the face by them. Sam has an honest-to-god body pillow.

"Charge!" Shuri yells as the teams hurl at each other from opposite sides of the sitting room. Peter goes for her, swinging his pillow in wide arcs. She throws up a pillow to block his and uses the other to hit his side. Using his free hand, he grabs for one of her pillows and tears it from her hand, hushing her yell of annoyance with a pillow to the face.

Just as Peter thinks he's winning, he gets pegged in the face with a scratchy pillow from Carol. Shuri takes the opportunity to take one of her pillows back.

A quick glance around the room shows Peter's team being beaten. Carol has a seemingly infinite amount of pillows to throw, and throws them widely, hitting Thor and Bucky. Bucky is being smothered with the body pillow, the wielder of which is lying on top of him to keep the pillow down. And Peter, well, Shuri's certainly having her fun with him.

It's when Thor finally starts throwing the pillows back at Carol at an impossible velocity that the tide starts to turn. Bucky is able to roll and throw Sam to the ground, smothering him with the body pillow and smacking him with a different one. Peter just pushes Shuri back when Pepper intervenes.

"Hey!" Pepper yells and the room goes silent. Sam pushes the body pillow off his face. "Are you trying to wake up Morgan, or are you too self-absorbed to think of anyone else?"

No one can meet her eyes. Pillows fall to the floor with muffled thumps. "Sorry, Pepper," they all chorus with various levels of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. If she wakes up, you're all putting her back to bad." She turns to leave, heels clicking. "All of you," she throws over her shoulder.

Everyone collectively shudders. Personally, Peter loves Morgan to death, but even he doesn't want to deal with the temperamental six-year-old past her bedtime.

Without a battle of pillows to occupy them, they turn back to the TV, where Peter's victory song plays. Sam had been so close to beating him, but the team of Peter and Toad was too much for the new captain to handle. Begrudgingly, Peter takes his controller and passes it to Shuri. Carol passes the other controller to Bucky, and the two new players settle onto the floor.

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